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Domanda Risposta
từ vựng, thuật ngữ, từ điển
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political lexicon
ban đầu
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không thể thiếu
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Sustainability is an integral component of doing business
trách nhiệm giải trình
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a sign of social accountability
ngang nhau
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equate (v)
is equated with meddling in the affairs of their business relation
can thiệp
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meddle (v)
đội, nhóm, bên
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party (n)
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xác nhận, tán thành, chuẩn y
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they endorse common and individual responsibility for bringing about sustainable development
người Trung gian
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The intermediary role that they play in society
thân thiện với môi trường
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environmentally friendly
an environmentally friendly way
yêu cầu quản lý rủi ro
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risk management requirements
viễn cảnh bền vững
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sustainability perspective
kinh doanh bền vững
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sustainable business
opportunities for sustainable business
tăng trưởng kinh tế
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economic growth
banks can influence the nature of economic growth
kiện tụng
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the risks for banks rose substantially due to a number of lawsuits
Nguyên mẫu
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The World Bank's Prototype Carbon Fund
sản phẩm cuối cùng
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end product
Demands on end products and semi-manufactured goods
đối tác
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mô hình
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Paradigm shift
tỷ lệ bền vững, chỉ số bền vững
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sustainable ratios
base on sustainable ratios instead of exclusively financial ratios
gia tăng (a)
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incremental (a)
incremental improvement in the production process
Độ bền
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the durability of products
tác dụng phụ
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side effects
undesirable side effects: dire poverty in developing countries, environmental problems, declining social cohesion, wars and threat of war
không vật chất, không quan trọng
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immaterial (a)
A place must be found for immaterial aspects, or even better, a balance between the martial and immaterial in the growth of prosperity
chủ nghĩa vật chất kinh tế
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economic materialism
Modern society is dominated by economic materialism
liên quan đến
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with respect to
to continue to expanding awareness with respect to sustainability
định kiến
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to go beyond their preconceptions by posing and discussing a number of essential questions
một cách rõ ràng
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However, this book will also be explicitly of interest to bank customers, governments, environmental organizations, and scientists
sự đánh giá, sự tăng giá
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an insufficient appreciation of the scarcity of resources leads to soil exhaustion, erosion, an interference with nature's ability to generate itself
phép ẩn dụ, ẩn ý
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siêu việt, vượt quá, tốt hơn, trội hơn
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transcend (v)
the failure of individuals to transcend individual interests
sự suy thoái
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Environmental deterioration
luật pháp
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khế ước
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lòng vị tha, chủ nghĩa vị tha
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sinh thái
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ecological (a)
the ecological system is the principal system from which the economic system is derived
phiền toái
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nuisance (n)
This indeed reduced in the local nuisance, while having no effect on environmental impact
đa dạng sinh học
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phá rừng nhiệt đới
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tropical deforestation
cá biển
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marine fish
giới hạn sinh học
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biological limit
nước khan hiếm
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water scarity
thoái hóa đất
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soil degradation
đất nông nghiệp
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agricultural lands
rừng nhiệt đới
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tropical forests
nhu cầu dinh dưỡng
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nutritional needs
suy dinh duong
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xói mòn đất
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soil erosion
chất thải khai thác
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mining wastes
chất gây ô nhiễm
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kim loại nặng
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heavy metals
chất thải hạt nhân
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nuclear waste
sự tuân ra, sự thải ra
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discharge (n)
the discharge of sulphur dioxide (SO2) which can cause acid rain that attacks forests, building and human health
Kinh thánh
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biblical (a)
Biblical times
sự mặn
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hệ thống tưới tiêu
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irrigation system
the salination of the irrigation system in ancient Mesopotamia
nạn đói
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người bi quan
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nội tâm hóa
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if the economic system is to be sustainable, these effects must be internalized in market prices
chương trình nghị sự quốc tế
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international agenda
the list includes desertification, tropical deforestation, acidification, climate change, fossil fuels, chemical substances in food chain and in groundwater
diệt trừ
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the eradication of poverty in developing countries
cách tiếp cận nhân chủng học
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anthropocentric approach
two conflicting approaches: the anthropologic and the ecocentric.
để lại, truyền lại
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bequeath (v)
Future generations are bequeathed a legacy of environmental cleaning and health problems
vượt qua, bỏ xa
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outstrip (v)
the consumption of raw materials does not outstrip the regenerational capacity of the ecological system, nor does the environmental pollution outstrip its absorption capacity
thúc dục, thúc đẩy, gợi, gợi ý, nhắc nhởn nhở
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prompt (v)
it prompts the discussion as to what the different bottom lines are exactly
gây ra
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engender (v)
changing in customer references should engender a sharp fall in environmental impact per product unit
dễ dàng tiếp cận
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ease of access
environmental friendliness, price, ease of access, availability and status
thân thiện với môi trường
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environmental friendliness
vòng tròn luẩn quẩn
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vicious circle
it often looks like a vicious circle
hiệu quả sinh thái
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Nevertheless, eco-efficency does not guarantee sustainability
tiêu chuẩn
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company's norms, values, culture, and structure
giải phóng
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the more emancipated global citizen
đòi hỏi
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entail (v)
it entails that
tội phạm
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phân rã (n
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decay (n)
decay of the urban environment
ở lượt
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at the turn of
at the turn of the 20th century
kinh doanh có trách nhiệm xã hội
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socially responsible business practices
tham số
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tích tụ
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a large agglomeration of 5 million today would become a megacity of 10 million in just 14 years
phổ biến
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pervasive poverty
ngay đơ
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a stark division
đổi mới cho sự bền vững
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innovation for sustainability
biểu hiện, chứng tỏ
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khả năng phát triển kinh tế
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economic viability
bền vững xã hội và môi trường
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societal and environmental sustainability
tiếng vang
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dựa vào, căn cứ vào
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ground (v)
methodology grounded in research and practice
bão hòa
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tương tác
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