Sublist 4

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Domanda English Risposta English
noun; bicycle; /ˈsaɪkl/
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A cycle is a short way of saying bicycle or motorcycle.
impose sth on sb; /ɪmˈpəʊz/
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If you impose something on someone, you force it on them, even if they don't want it.
The law imposes a duty on all employers to provide safety training.
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If something is obvious, it is easy to see it, think of it, or understand it.
It is obvious that you can't spend a lot of money and save at the same time.
adjective; seriously; /prəˈfeʃənəl/
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If someone is professional, they do their job seriously and with much skill.
We employ friendly, professional staff who can offer the benefit of many years' experience.
verb; something projects; BrE: /prəˈʤεkt/, AmE: /pɻəˈʤεkt/
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If something projects out or beyond something else, it stands out.
During flight, the legs of this bird project beyond the tail.
adjective; doctor or lawyer; /prəˈfeʃənəl/
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About a job such as doctor, lawyer, accountant, etc.
usually before the noun
The group offers free professional advice on legal matters and housing.
verb; /ˈleɪbəl/
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If you label something, you write information on it or attach information to it.
Please be sure to label your bags before getting on the airplane.
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