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Domanda American English Risposta American English
to study intensively for a short time
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to cram
exam papers from previous years
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past papers
learning purely by repetition
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tricks that help you remember something
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spend the maximum time studying
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bury yourself in your books
know it completely
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know the subject inside out
50-100 words, usually used to refer to childrens work
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more serious, longer than composition, hundreds or even thousands of words
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an essay
a long essay, often part of a course usually thousands of words
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like an assignment, emphasis on students own material and topic
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a project
collection of individual pieces of work, not necessarily written
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a long, research- based work, perhaps 10-15 thousands of words for a degree or diploma
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a very long, original, research-based work, perhaps 80-100,000 words, for a higher degree
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diagram that lays out ideas for the topic and how they are connected to one another
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first, rough version
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first draft
using other peoples work as if it was yours
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handed in - formal-
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evaluated and given a grade
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comments from the teacher/tutor
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more formal for 'do a research'
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carry out research
dzienniki akademickie
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academic journals
system where libraries exchange books/ journals with one another
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inter-library loan

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