stopniowanie przymiotników

 0    11 schede    kamilkk00
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krótkie jednosylabowe
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–er / the -est
krótkie jedno 3 ostatnie litery (spół-sam-spół)
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-er / the -est ale podwajamy ostatnią literę (big- bigger- the biggest)
trzysylabowe końcówka -ly/ -y -w
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-er / the –est (jak y to na i) (Happy- happier- the happiest)
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More/ the most (modern- more modern- the most modern)
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better- the best
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worse- the worst
far (1)
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farther – farthest
far (2)
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further- furthest
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less – the least
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– more – the most
jak jest than
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to dajemy wyzszy a nie najwyzszy stopień

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