Starting the conversation

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Domanda Risposta
Dzień dobry!
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Good morning!
Dzień dobry!
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Good afternoon!
Dobry wieczór!
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Good evning!
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Hello! / Hi!
Miło cię poznać
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Nice to meet you.
Mnie również.
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Nice to meet you too.
Jak się masz
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How do you do?
Jak się masz dzisiaj?
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How are you today?
Co u Ciebie?
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How are the things with you?
Co tam?
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What's up?
Dobrze Cię znowu widzieć
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It's good to see you again
Jak twój mąż/syn?
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How is your husband/ son?
Jak twoje zdrowie?
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How is your health?
Jaka jest tam pogoda?
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What's the weather like there?
Jak ci minęły wakacje/weekend?
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How was your holiday/ weekend?
Czy jesteś zajęty w tym momencie?
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Are you busy at the moment?
Jak ci mija dzień
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How is your day?
Witaj w naszej firmie.
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Welcome to our company.
Nie ma za co
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You're welcome
czy chciałbyś jeden
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would you like one

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