Stage 11 Lesson 176 part2

 0    35 schede    iwanjoanna39
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When did the medium of television become available to the average household?
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The medium... during the second half of the 20th century
Do you think printed media such as books and newspapers will eventually disappear?
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Are the media in your country entitled to report whatever thay like?
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I'm not sure
entitled to inform
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mają prawo do informowania
Do you agree that social media sites such as can, in fact, end up making people less sociable?
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how come
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What's the principal objective of any commercial business?
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The principal... is to make a profit
How come it's so difficult for parents to assess their chilren's progress at school objectively?
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It's so ... because their feelings for their children can prevent them from judging things reasonably
What's the opposite of objective?
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The opposite ... subjective
hang on (hold on)
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poczekaj (poczekaj)
If you didn't hang on to something when standing up on a moving bus, what might happen?
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If..., I might fall over
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How can you stop a window rattling in the wind?
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You can... by pushing a small wedge of wood, card or cloth into the gap between the window and the frame
Which type of food is often sold in wedge-shaped blocks?
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w blokach w kształcie klina? Cheese...
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What would I mean if I said I saw a terrific film last night?
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If..., you'd mean you saw a very good film
Was there a terrific amount of technological progress during last century?
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in half (in two)
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na pół (na dwie)
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If you fold a piece of paper in half twice, unfold it, and then tear along the creases, how many pieces of paper do you end up with?
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If..., you end up with four pieces of paper
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Tell me something that's unique about human beings in comparison with all other animal species
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One thing that's... we can communicate through language
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count on
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liczyć na
count in
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liczyć się, doliczyć
count out
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Which counts more, in your view: the salary you earn or the type of work you do?
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Co, In my view, both are important
Of all the people you know who do you feel you could really count on for support in a crisis?
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Of all..., I feel ... my family
If this school were organizing a free mountain-climbing trip this weekend, could we count you in or would you tell us to count you out?
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If this..., I' tell you to count me out

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