Stage 11 Lesson 170 part3

 0    32 schede    iwanjoanna39
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When a manager gives an employee feedback on their performance at work, do you think they should always speak frankly or should they take into account the worker's character?
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When a manager gives an employee feedback on their performance at work, I think they should take into account the worker's character
go down with
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zachorować na
If one family member goes down with flu, are other members of the household liable to catch it as well?
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Yes, if one family member goes down with flu, other members of the household are liable to catch it as well
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podatny, odpowiedzialny
When you're at work, who's liable for your safety?
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When I'm at work my employer is liable for my safety
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show off
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popisywać się, afiszować się
Do you believe there's any difference in the way men and women display their emotions?
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Yes, I belive there's difference in the way men and women display their emotions
What do you think the difference is, then?
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I think men tend to become angry more easily then women
Did your primary school used to show off its pupils' work to visitors by crating displays around the building?
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Yes, my primary school used to show off its pupils work to visitors by creating displays around the building
Why do you suppose people, especially children show off?
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I suppose children show off because they're seeking attention
have on
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mieć na sobie
What's the most expensive article of clothing you have on at the moment?
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The most expensive article of clothing I have on at the moment are my pants
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prior to
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When you first started at this school, did you have any prior knowledge of the Callan Method?
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No, when I first started at this school, I didn't have any prior knowledge of the Callan Method
Prior to use of computers in industry, was factory output generally lower?
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Czy przed zastosowaniem komputerów w przemyśle produkcja fabryczna była ogólnie niższa? Yes, prior to...
Which is a higher priority for you: having plenty of spare time or having plenty of money?
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Having plenty of money is a higher priority for me then having plenty of spare time
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Is it common for a person to have a scientific mind but also possess great artistic talent?
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No, it isn't common for a person to have a scientific mind but also possess great artistic talent
Would you say one needed scientific skills to be an inventor
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Yes, I'd say one needed scientific skills to be an inventor
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If a series of similar crimes occured in one area within a short period, what might the police assume?
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If a series of similar crimes occured in one area within short period the police might assume that just one person was responsible for the crimes
What do we call each individual programme that a TV series is composed of?
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We call each individual programme that a TV series is composed of an episode
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If a cat's territory was invaded by a fox, do you think the cat would be more liable to fight the fox or run away?
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If a cat's territory was invaded by a fox I think the cat would be more liable to run away

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