Stage 11 Lesson 167 part1

 0    30 schede    iwanjoanna39
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Make a sentence with a word not only
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Not only does she sing well but also she's a good dancer.
Make a sentence with a word Under no circumstances
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Under no circumstances should you cheat during the test
Make a sentence with a word no sooner
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No sooner had he opened the door then the telephone rang
I had barely sat down when the cat jumped onto my lap (make it more emphatic)
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Barly had I sat down when the cat jumped onto my lap
She rarely calls her parents these days (make it more emphatic)
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Rarely does she call her parents these days.
He isn't a friend of mine by any means (make it more emphatic)
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By no means is he friend of mine
Mary had no idea that we had arranged a party for her birthday (make it more emphatic)
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Little did Mary know that we had arranged a party for her birthday
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Do you make notes in the margin of your Student's Book?
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Yes, I sometimes make notes in the margin
stand a chance
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mieć szansę
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In a major sport competition such as the Olympics, do you think it's important for everyone participating to belive thay stand a chance of winning?
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Yes, in a major sporting competiotion such as Olympics, i think it's important for everyone participating to belive they stand a chance of winning
sell out
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How do you feel when you go to buy something you've really been looking forward to getting and discover that the shop has sold out?
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When I go to buy something I've really been looking forward to getting and discover that the shop has sold out, I feel disappointed and frustrated
call in on somebody
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odwiedzić kogoś
call by phone
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zadzwoń przez telefon
call in by a place
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zadzwoń w miejsce
Give me an example of call in on
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John was off sick, so I called in on him to check if he needed anything
Do you often call in at your local supermarket on your way home after work?
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Yes, I often call in at my local supermarket on my way home after work
Why might someone need to call by their office even though it's their day off?
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Someone might need to call by their office even though it's their day off because they want something that they left there
needless to say
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nie trzeba dodawać, rzecz jasna
Give me an example of the expression needless to say
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Needless to say, I've been pretty busy since we got here.
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zrzędliwy, naburmuszony
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cope with
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radzić sobie z
on top of
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na szczycie
What do parents mean when they say their son or daughter is going through a difficult phase?
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When parents say their son or daughter is going through a difficult phase, they mean their son or daughter is going through temporary period of rebelling against them, and is difficult to cope with, perhaps because they're grumpy and stubborn
Do some university students find it hard to cope if they have to do a part-time job on top of studying for their degree?
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