StA - Unit 2

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Domanda Risposta
zżyty, zwarty, zgrany
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She comes from a close-knit family.
konwencjonalne, tradycyjne wychowanie
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conventional upbringing
He wanted his children to have a conventional upbringing.
dalsza rodzina
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extended family
My extended family is huge; I have twenty cousins!
przyjaciel od święta, tylko na dobre czasy
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fair-weather friend
When I went bankrupt it became clear that I mostly had fair-weather friends.
najbliższa rodzina
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immediate family
Most of my immediate family are doctors.
rodzina nuklearna (rodzice i dzieci)
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nuclear family
The nuclear family is in decline; more and more people are from single-parent families.
życie pod kloszem
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sheltered upbringing (existence, life)
My mother, who had a sheltered upbringing, has wonderful memories of her childhood.
napięty (o stosunkach)
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Relations are still strained between the two countries.
stawać się sobie obcym
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drift apart
Most people drift apart from their old school friends.
pokłócić się (f...)
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fall out with
He's fallen out with his brother again.
polubić się, przypaść sobie do gustu
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hit it off
I didn't really hit it off with his sister.
trzymać na dystans
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keep at arm's length
Sheryl’s unfriendly manner kept most people at arm's length.
obracać się w tym samym towarzystwie
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move in the same circles
He began to move in the same scientific circles as Charles.
nadawać na tych samych falach, świetnie się rozumieć
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be on the same wavelength
We are completely on the same wavelength.
znosić kogoś/coś
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put up with sb/sth
She always puts up with his bad behavior.
przebywać wśród kogoś, ocierać się o kogoś
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rub shoulders with sb
He’s rubbed shoulders with millionaires.
całkowicie się (z kimś) zgadzać
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see eye to eye (with sb)
I don’t see eye to eye with my father on many things.
wrabiać kogoś; zaaranżować spotkanie
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set sb up
I think we should set Ryan up with my cousin.
być podobnym do kogoś, wrodzić się w kogoś
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take after sb
In looks she takes after her father.
przyjmować kogoś
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take sb in
We took him in when he had nowhere else to go.
polubić kogoś/coś
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take to sb/sth
I took to John immediately.
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Both sides will have to make concessions.
przywykanie, przystosowywanie się (h...)
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przewyższać, przekraczać
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The book's success surpassed everyone's expectations.
realny, wykonalny, opłacalny
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a viable alternative to nuclear power
określać, zmierzyć
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It is difficult to quantify the damage that this storm has caused.

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