Spices in Norwegian

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krydder (f.pl.)
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sukker (i.)
brown sugar
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brunt sukker (i.)
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basilikum (f.)
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timian (f.)
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pepper (f.)
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salt (f.)
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chili (f.)
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kanel (f.)
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ingefær (f.)
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koriander (f.)
bay leaf
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laurbærblad (i.)
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mynte (f.)
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oregano (f.)
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vanilje (f.)
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allehånde (f.)
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merian (f.)
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gurkemeie (f.)
cumin seeds
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karve frø (i.pl.)
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dill (f.)
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muskat (f.)
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estragon (f.)
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hvitløk (f.)
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persille (f.)
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safran (f.)

Study Spices in Norwegian

Improve your vocabulary in Norwegian and start with Spices! VocApp uses the multisensory flashcards to teach you Spices in Norwegian in the shortest time possible! Audio recordings help you get the pronunciation of the word, and pictures will get Spices in Norwegian into one's head for good! Do you know the spelling of Spices in Norwegian too? Find the answer in our lesson Spices in Norwegian and get to know other flashcardsin Norwegian!

Motivation to learn Norwegian

Learning Norwegian will give you access to numerous books, movies or even memes, created in Norwegian. Speaking Norwegian language will allow you to travel more freely, meet new people and have a new entry in your CV! Or simply use this new knowledge to impress your family by speaking in Norwegian! If that's not enough for you, think about it as a challenge or Learning a new language is surely not so common. You could reach a respectable result "almost" alone!

How to learn Norwegian easily

Our language learning application will take care of your vocabulary in Norwegian by scheduling repetitions of the words in Norwegian you didn't know making you remember more in less time.

Learn Norwegian fast and efficiently!

You hated taking Norwegian classes? Your Norwegian professor wasn't structured enough? Try flashcards with VocApp and learn Norwegian without a professor! Our flashcards will make studying simple and enjoyable!

Take a look at our other Norwegian language lessons

The lesson on Spices in Norwegian is just a little study aid. If you are interested in professional language courses, you should take a look at our offer on Norwegian language courses. If you'd rather short lessons on Norwegian, try out our other flashcards.

Flashcards will make you quickly build up your vocabulary and Norwegian skills.

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