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Poniewaz... dlugo zastanwialem sie nad ta kwestia
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Since I... I have given this question quite a bit of thought
Doszlam do wniosku, ze
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I have come to the conclusion that
Jest wiele powodow
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I have a number of reasons for this
Kolejny powod dla ktorego wybralem to
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An additional reason for my choice is that
Skoro i tak... to duza zaleta mogloby byc
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Since i will... it could be a big advantage to
Biorąc pod uwagę
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Considering my
Glowny powod to
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My main reason is that
Kolejna istotna zaleta wynajmu mieszkania jest
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Anothet big advantage of renting a flat is
Problem w tym ze
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The problem with a smth is that
Jedna z wad mieszkania jest
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One downside of living is that
Ostatnia kwestia jest
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A final point is that

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