Speaking Bank

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Na zdjeciu znajduje sie...
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In the photograph, there is/are
Zdjęcie przedstawia...
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The photograph shows...
Na pierwszym planie widać...
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In the foreground, we can see...
Na drugim planie widać
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In the background, we can see...
po prawej stronie/lewej znajduje sie
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On the right/left there is
on jest na plazy/ w sklepie/ w szkole
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he is on the beach/ a shop/ at school
ona wyglada na
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She looks
ona zdaje sie być
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she seems to be
ona ma na sobie / nosi
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she is wearing
ona wyglada jakby/czuje sie
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she looks as if/feels
mysle, ze ona pozuje do zdjecia/rysuje cos
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i believe she is posing for a photograph / drawing something
kobieta sprawia wrazenie, jakby byla
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the woman gives the impression of being
powiedzialabym ze ludzie czuja sie...
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I would say that the people feel
wydaje mi sie ze
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i guess (that)
moim zdaniem
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in my opinion
jesli o mnie chodzi
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as far as I am concerned
z jednej strony
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on the one hand
z drugiej strony
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on the other hand
wedlug mnie
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if you ask me
moim zdaniem
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to my mind
uwazam ze
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i believe (that)
szczerze mowiac
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to be honest with you
ten pomysl wydaje mi sie o wiele ciekawszy poniewaz
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this idea is much/far more interesting to me because
ten pomysl podoba mi sie najbardziej/najmniej poniewaz
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i like this idea the most/least because
ten pomysl przemawia do mnie zdecydowanie bardziej/mniej niz drugi poniewaz
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this option is definitely more/less appealing than the other because
wolalbym raczej ... niz
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I would rather ... than
mysle, ze... byloby dla mnie najmniej atrakcyjnym pomyslem, gdyz nie przepadam za
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i think ... would be the least attractive option for me as im not very keen on...
a zatem z tego powodu wybralabym pierwszy / drugi obrazem
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so, for these reasons, i would opt for the first/ secong picture
moim pierwszym wyborem byloby
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my first preference would be to
wybralabym te opcje, poniewaz
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i would go for this option because
nie wybralabym tej propozycji poniewaz
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i wouldn’t choose this idea because
gdybym miala do wyboru... albo zdecydowalabym sie na
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if its a choice between... and... then i would go for
choc osobiscie uwielbiam... wydaje mi sie ze ... jest kepsza opcja gdyz...
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although I personally enjoy... i guess would be better because
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im planning to
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I'm going to
mam zamiar
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i intend to
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I would like
o tej porze w przyszlym roku/ za dziesiec lat
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this time next year i will / in ten years’ time, i will be
to sie zdarzylo nie tak dawno temu
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this happened not so long ago
to sie zdarzylo dawno temu gdy
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this happened a long time ago when
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w koncu
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in the end
jak tylko
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as soon as
ku mojemu zdziwieniu
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to my surprise
nie spodziewalam sie ze
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i hadnt expected to
nigdy w zyciu tak swietnie sie nie bawilam
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i had the time of my life

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