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zgadzam sie z toba/tym stwierdzeniem tylko do pewnego stopnia
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i only agree with you/this statement to some extent
uwazam ze to stwierdzenie jest tylko czesciowo prawdziwe
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i believe this statement is only partly true
rozumiem twoj punkt widzenia, ale mimo to
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i see your point, but still
nie pomyslalam o tym, a moze?
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i hadn’t thought about that, why dont we?
w porzadku, w takim razie moze lepiej bedzie
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ok, in that case it might be better to
rozumiem twoj tok myslenia, ale czy nie pomyslales o?
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i understand your reasons, but haven’t you thought about?
to dosyc kontrowersyjne stwierdzenie i nie jestem pewna, czy calkowicie sie z nim zgadzam
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that’s quite a controversial statement and i’m not sure i completely agree
raczej sie nie zgadzam
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i don’t think i agree
obawiam sie, ze musze sie z toba niezgodzic
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i am afraid i disagree with you
nie sadze, zeby to zdalo egzamin poniewaz
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i dont think that would work because
mysle, ze
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I think/guess
wyglada na to, ze
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it looks like
wydaje mi sie, ze ona
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it seems to me that she
nie sadze, ze bylabym w stanie to zniesc
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i dont think i could bear
trudno by mi bylo
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i would find it hard to
mozliwe, ze to
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it could possibly be
powiedzialabym, ze
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i would say
byc moze pomylily
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they might have mistaken
nie jest to jasne, ale domyslam sie, ze
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it’s not that clear, but i would guess that
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in all probability
ze wzgledu na... mysle, ze to prawdopodobnie
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because of... i think it’s probably
a moze? fajnie jest...
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why not? it’s fun to...
na twoim miejscu bym
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if i were you, I would
sugeruje, ze powinienes
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i suggest you should
a moze bys...?
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why dont you...?
moja rada jest taka, zeby
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my advice is to
wydaje mi sie ze... byloby dla ciebie najlepsza opcja
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i guess... would be the best option for you
dobrym pomyslem mogloby byc
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it might be a good idea to
co ty na to, zeby?
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how about?
a nie myslisz, ze lepiej byloby?
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don’t you think it would be better to?
jedna z glownych zalet... jest to, ze
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one of the main advantages of... is that
kolejnym plusem jest to, ze
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another plus aspect is the fact that
wiele jest zalet...
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there are plenty of advantages of
najlepsze w... jest to, ze...
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the best thing about... is
jesli chodzi o zalety...
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on the plus side...
dobrą cechą... jest
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the good thing about... is
z jednej strony... ale z drugiej strony...
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on the one hand... but on the other hand
jedna z wad... jest to, ze
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one of the disadvantages of... is that
kolejnym minusem jest to...
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another negative side is that
jedna z glownych wad jest...
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one of the major downsides to this is
przychodzi mi na mysl kilka wad
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there are couple of drawbacks that i can think of
jedna z powaznych wad, ktore trzeba wziac pod uwage, jest
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one of the more negative aspects to consider is
mam na mysli to, ze
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what i mean is that
chcialam powiedziec, ze
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what i wanted to say is that
rozumiem przez to, ze
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by this i mean
ściślej mowiac
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to be more precise,
problem w tym, ze
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the trouble is
wszystko zaczelo sie kiedy
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it all started when
wszystko bylo w porzadku, dopoki
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it was going fine until
problem pojawia sie sporadycznie
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it’s an intermittent problem
to naprawde frustrujace, bo
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it’s really frustrating
to przyklad
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this is an example of
na przyklad
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for example
dobrze znanym przykladem... jest
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a well-known example of... is
najbardziej oczywistym przykladem... jest
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the most obvious example of... is
jednym z przykladow tego co mam na mysli jest
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to give one example of what i mean...
jak juz mowilam
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as i said before
wspomnialam wczesniej ze...
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i mentioned before that...

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