Spanish conversation for beginners - from youtube

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Domanda Risposta
I am a bit tired
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estoy un poco cansado
what are you doing?
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¿Qué estás haciendo?
I am hungry
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Tengo hambre
I am thirsty
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Tengo sed
sit down please
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por favor siéntate
do you want something to eat?
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¿Quieres algo de comer?
do you want something to drink?
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¿Quieres algo de tomar?
what's there to eat?
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que hay para comer
I would like a pizza, please
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Quisiera una pizza por favor
thanks for the food
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Gracias por la comida
you are very kind
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eres muy amable
how much is that?
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¿cuanto cuesta eso?
how was your day?
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¿Como estuvo tu día?
what city are you from?
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¿De qué ciudad eres?
what are you thinking about?
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¿En qué estás pensando?
I have homework
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tengo tarea
what do you like to do in your free time?
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que te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre
what's your phone number
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Cuál es tu número de teléfono
call me
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I'll call you
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te llamare
see you soon!
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Hasta pronto
where is the exit
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dónde está la salida
where are the taxis
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Dónde están los taxis

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