small talk - zero

 0    21 schede    klaudiakapeluszna
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podrzucić kogoś/coś
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drop off
could you drop me off at the bus station?
obiekt użytkowy, pomieszczenie
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can i offer you some drink before i show you around our nee facility?
zbierać się, spotkac sie
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get togehter
let’s get together for lunch sometime soon
wykorzystać cos w pelni
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make the most of
i’ve got the chance to take a crash course in management skills and i’m going to make the most od it
potrzebować pomocy
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need a hand
do you need a hand with that? no, i can manage, thanks
bez namyslu, na poczekaniu
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frankly speaking, i don’t know the answer to that right offhand
nie miec juz czasu
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run out of time
i’m afraid we’re run out of time
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i’m out of office today, but i’ll get back to you shortly.// i have to join a meeting shortly.
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to the best of my knowledge, it’s excellent spot for a conference
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it’s a terrific go-to spot for craft beer and grilled ribs
(krótko mówiąc)
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(to cut a) long story short
well to cut long story short, it was truly an amazing workshop
miejsce pobytu, gdzie (mniej więcej)
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Whereabouts in London do you live?
rozpracowac, udawac sie
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work out
have you work out your plans for a long weekend?
zakończyć, podsumowac
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wrap up
can we wrap up this meeting now?
automat z napojami / słodyczami etc.
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vending machine
i’m going to the break room to get something to drink from a vending machine. do you want anything?
powrót na właściwe tory
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back on a track
we are doing everything we can to get the project back on a track
pojawiać się/zbliżać się, robić postępy
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come along
so how’s the project coming along?
przyspieszyć coś
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speed sth up
what do you suggest to speed things up?
miejsce parkingowe
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parking spot
i’m sorry i’m late. i couldn’t find a parking spot
zastanowic sie wspolnie, zlaczyc glowy
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put our heads together
we’re running out of time so let’s put our heads together, shall we?
odznaka, znaczek, emblemat / plakietka, identyfikator
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all visitors must have their identification badge at all times inside the facility

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