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Domanda Risposta
jak to przeliterujesz?
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how do you spell it
gdzie się zatrzymujesz?
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where are you staying?
jaki jest Twój adres
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what's your address
czy jesteś na telefonie
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are you on the phone
nie sądzę, znam twoje imię?
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i don't think, i know your name?
jak się masz
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how do you do
very well
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very well
nie za dobrze
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not to well
Przykro mi to słyszeć
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i'm sorry to hear that
Kiedy się urodziłeś
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what is your date of birth
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to niedaleko Sopotu
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it's not far from sopot
masz dzieci
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have you got any children
ile masz dzieci?
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how many children have you got?
mam dziecko
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i have got a child
nie mam dzieci
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i haven't got any children
czy będzie coś jeszcze
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will there be anything else
chciałbym trochę znaczków
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i'd like some stamps
nie chcę żadnych znaczków
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i don't want any stamps
masz jakiś znaczek?
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have you got any stamp
kufel piwa
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pint of beer
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Po prostu szukam
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i'm just looking
ile kosztuje pocztówka z listem do Francji
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how much is a letter to france postcard
gdzie to
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where' that

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