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have it out with
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mowic o czyms otwarcie
having me on
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zrobic komus zart
have a go
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had a laugh
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baw sie dobrze
have had it
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mam dosc
has it in for me
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nie lubic kogos i byc dla miego nie milym
have got it in me
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czuc sie do czegos zdolnym
complete the project ahead of schedule
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ukończyć projekt przed terminem
walk at a steady pace
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chodzić w stałym tempie
vanish without a trace
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znikają bez śladu
speak about the problem at length
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mów szczegółowo o problemie
observe the birds from a distance
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obserwuj ptaki z daleka
change for the better
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zmiana na lepsze
discover the truth by chance
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odkryć prawdę przez przypadek
obey parents without questions
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słuchaj rodziców bez pytań

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