
 0    26 schede    guest2516608
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My understanding of the issue is that
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The boy should have known better
ma wiedzę
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knows his stuff
The proferssor knows his stuff
wiem na 100%
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I know it for a fact
bez dwóch zdań
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in no doubt
jestem całkowicie przekonana
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I am totally convinced
znać bardzo dokładnie/ na wylot
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know the rules backwards
wierzyć w swoje możliwości
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have trust your abilities
nieświadomy czegoś
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unaware of something
Im still unaware of the way things work here.
znać coś intuicyjnie
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by heart
o sztuce
know something by heart
według mojej wiedzy
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to my personal knowledge
To my personal knowledge, he has no previous convictions.
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characteristic of
zakłada się, że ktoś jest
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someone is assumed to be
przekonać się
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prove yourself
Brits have proved themselves to be in charge
być odpowiedzialnym
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be in charge
To be in charge of their own and others affairs
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distinguished itself
pełen niebezpieczeństw
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fraught with dangers
wierzyć w, pokładać wiarę
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have faith in
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has gone beyond the joke
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busying itself
apel o powrót
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appeal for a return
zderzają się gwałtownie
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clash violently
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zobowiązać się
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commit themselves
commit themselves to a common goal
usiany czymś
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riddled with sth

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