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bardzo utalentowany
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very gifted
He's very gifted at maths.
po krótkiej wymianie zdań
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after a brief exchange
jak by to było
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how would it be
How would it be to have money to burn?
projekt ustawy
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a draft law
The draft law was passed by 134 votes to 19, with 5 abstentions.
skład drużyny
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team lineup
wzajemnie się wykluczające
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mutually {ˈmju: tʃu:əli} exclusive
They both have learned that ambition and successful fatherhood can be mutually exclusive.
moja praca ma sens
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my work has a meaning
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biased {ˈbaɪəst}
The newspaper is a bit biased.
uzyskać, otrzymać
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obtain {əbˈteɪn}
You can also obtain knowledge through practice. / Where can I obtain the book?
niezwykły, niespotykany, nadzwyczajny, nietypowo
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remarkable {rɪˈmɑ: kəbl̩}
She has made remarkable progress.
opatrywanie ran
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dressing wounds
The nurse here will dress the wound, and then you'll be free to go.

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