slowka 22.04

 0    14 schede    aleksandrakielbratowska5
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w poniedzialek dowiedzialam sie ze nie lece do Grecji
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On Monday I learnt i m not going to Greece
gdybym miala wiecej czasu czytalabym wiecej ksiazek i odpoczywalabym
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If I had more time, I would read more books and rest
widze moja ciocie raz na ruski rok
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I see my aunt once in a blue moon
czuje sie zagubiona
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I feel lost
nie moge sie tego doczekac
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im looking forward to that
nie spiesz sie
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do not rush, take your time
isc na kawe
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go for a coffee
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i quit
free time
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free time, spare time
nienawidze sie spozniac
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I hate being late
czas leci
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time flies
slucham muzyki zeby zabic czas
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I listen to music to pass the time /kill the time
i have a lots o time
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i have all the time in the word
kiedy podrozuje trace poczucie czasu
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When I travel I lose track of time

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