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zwrócę ci pieniądzę
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pay you back
Can you lend me 5? I'll pay you back tomorrow.
roczny dochód
Nasz roczny dochód był wyższy niż się spodziewaliśmy.
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annual income
Our annual income was higher than expected.
torba na zakupy
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carrier bag
To conserve resources, please reuse this carrier bag.
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drawer {ˈdrɔ:ʳ}
The money is safely locked in a drawer.
stoisko, stragan
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stall {stɔ: l}
They have a fish stall on the market.
Nie kupiłam samochodu, gdyż był zbyt drogi.
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I didn't buy the car because it was too expensive.
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wash basin
The room has a wash basin.
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annoy {əˈnɔɪ}
She tends to annoy people.
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ashamed {əˈʃeɪmd}
I am ashamed of you.
zniechęcać kogoś
Byłem zniechęcony jego wyglądem.
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put someone off
I was put off by his appearance.

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