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piękne jak z obrazka
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pretty as a picture
She's as pretty as a picture.
ślepy jak nietoperz
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blind as a bat
I'm as blind as a bat without my glasses.
zdrów jak ryba
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be as right as rain
You'll soon be as right as rain.
zdrów i cały
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safe and sound
I'm glad to see you home safe and sound.
od czasu do czasu
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now and then
Now and then we heard shots in the woods.
wziąć dzień wolny
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take a day off
He decided to take a day off from work.
opiera się
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leans on
He always leans on his walking stick.
latarnia uliczna
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lamp post
The dog lifted its leg against the lamp post.
odkręcić butelkę
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unscrew the bottle
wywabiacz, odplamiacz
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stain remover
This stain remover really works - it's amazing!
urządzać imprezę
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have a party
Let's have a party.
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They told the shopkeeper to keep the change.
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Most of the holidaymakers had packed up and gone.
Nie wiedzieliśmy którędy zjechać z ronda.
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We didn't know where to get off the roundabout.
To nie był zwykły deszcz, to była ulewa!
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downpour {ˈdaʊnˌpɔː(r)}
It wasn't just ordinary rain, it was a downpour.

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