Slowka 12.02.2018

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milutki, ładny
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milutki, ładny
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clean the apartment
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Posprzątaj apartament
come home
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wracają do domu
in the morning/afternoon/evening
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rano / po południu / wieczorem
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cell phone
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telefon komórkowy
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laptop, notebook
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szczoteczka do zębów
living room
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somewhere else
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gdzie indziej
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blisko / niedaleko
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teczka (aktówka)
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renting room
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wynajęcie pokoju
Do you want a glass of wine?
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Chcesz kieliszek wina?
Is that a Spanish name?
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Czy to jest hiszpańskie imię?
Where are you from?
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Skąd pochodzisz?
What is your name?
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Jak masz na imię?
Do you speak English?
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Czy mówisz po angielsku?
Is that a Spanish name?
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Czy to jest hiszpańskie imię?
Do you have a car?
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Czy masz samochód?
Do you understand?
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Czy rozumiesz?
Do you like it there?
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Czy podoba Ci się tam?
Do your parents live in Poland?
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Czy twoi rodzice mieszkają w Polsce?
How old is he?
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Ile on ma lat?
What does he do?
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Co on robi?
Are you a student?
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Czy jesteś studentem?
Where do you work?
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Gdzie pan(i) pracuje?
Are you married?
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Czy pan jest żonaty?
Do you have any children?
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Czy masz dzieci?
Is your husbsnd American?
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Czy twój mąż jest Amerykaninem?
What does youre husband do?
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Co robi mąż
Where is the flat?
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Gdzie jest mieszkanie?
How much is the rent?
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Ile wynosi czynsz?
How much does the rent cost?
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Ile kosztuje czynsz?
Is there any furniture? Yes ther is/ No there isn't
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Czy istnieją jakieś meble? Tak tam jest / nie nie ma
How many rooms are there?
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Ile pokoi są tam?
How many bedrooms are there?
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Ile tam jest sypialni?
Yes, is it
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Tak jest
Where was James in 1998?
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Gdzie był James w 1998 roku?
Where were you in Paris?
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Gdzie byłeś w Paryżu?
When were you in Paris?
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Kiedy byłeś w Paryżu?
Where were you on Holiday last year?
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Gdzie byłeś na wakacjach w zeszłym roku?
Where does he live?
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Gdzie on mieszka?
What is oppositiv the flat?
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Co jest przeciwieństwem mieszkania?
Mike is cleaning the house
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Mike sprząta dom
He is waiting for the train at the platform.
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Czeka na pociąg na peronie.
He is waiting for the bus
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Czeka na autobus
He is drunking water
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On pije wodę
I am playing my guitar
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Gram na gitarze
He is cooking an omlet for dinner
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Gotuje omlet na kolację
He is crying.
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On płacze.
He is laughing
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On się śmieje
We are sitting now
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Teraz siedzimy
I am learning English now.
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Uczę się angielskiego.
Are we sitting now?
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Czy teraz siedzimy
along the street, down the street
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wzdłuż ulicy, w dół ulicy
round the park
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wokół parku
through the park
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przez park
over the bridge
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przez most
under the bridge
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pod mostem
past the shop
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obok sklepu
into the car park
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do parkingu
out of the car park
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z parkingu
up the hill
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pod górę
down the hill
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w dół wzgórza
at the end of the road
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Na koniec drogi
in the midlle of the square
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w środku placu
on the corner of the street
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na rogu ulicy
at the top of the hill
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w górnej części wzgórza
at the bottom of the hill
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w dolnej części wzgórza
along the street
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wzdłuż ulicy
through the park
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przez park
in the middle of the square
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w środku kwadratu
in that case
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W tej sprawie
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until you get there
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dopóki tam nie dotrzesz
go towards
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Idź w kierunku
keep going
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idz caly czas
down the road
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wzdluz drogi
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keep going
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idz caly czas
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go towards
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Idź w kierunku
in that case
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W tej sytuacji
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sciezka przejscie
Need a ride?
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Potrzebujesz podwózki?
She wants to take a taxi
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Chce wziąć taksówkę
They decide to go by undergrund
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Decydują się pojechać przez podwórze
There’s an outdoor concert tonight. Do you want to come?
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Dziś wieczorem jest koncert na świeżym powietrzu. Chcesz przyjść?
good-better-the best
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I went by car. I took a car.
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Pojechałem samochodem Wziąłem samochód.

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