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All of us in this chamber have the political responsibility to make this happen.
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komora; izba; pokój
You see, he has established the largest retail chain, called Big Bazaar.
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łańcuszek; łańcuch; sieć
such a diagram or graph
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wykres; diagram; tabela
chief executive officer
the corporate executive responsible for the operations of the firm
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dyrektor naczelny; dyrektor generalny; prezes zarządu
There's nothing that distinguishes them structually from any of their competitors.
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Letters of complaint have been flooding into the office.
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powództwo, skarga; narzekanie; reklamacja
serving as one of the parts of a whole; constituent
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Składniki; komponent
computer software
If I may make so bold as to ask, what hardware and software do you use to record and mix?
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Oprogramowanie komputerowe
Most of my peers share the same beliefs concerning the right to listen in on others, although some feel it could easily become an obsession.
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w sprawie; co się tyczy; dotyczący; odbośnie
the act of bringing two things into contact
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The proposals that you have put forward deserve serious consideration.
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rozwaga; rozwiązanie; uwaga; wzgląd; względny
Special delivery consignments will be charged extra at cost.
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przesyłka; wysyłka; plekspedycja; partia towaru
holding together; firm; solid
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zgodny; jednolity; spójny; konsekwentny
One that agrees to furnish materiale or perform services at a specified price, especially for construction work.
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przedsiębiorca; kontrahent; wykonawca
core values
The core values of these three initiatives are respect for democracy, human rights and the rule of raw.
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podstawowe wartości; zasadnicze wartości
corporate culture
the operating environment of s business, including its values, norms, and the behavioral patterns of its employees
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kultura organizacyjna
cut across
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come down with
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zejść z
cut out
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come across
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natknąć się
come to
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przyjść do
cut up
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wygłupiać się
come round
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dochodzić do siebie
cut in
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cięcia w
come into
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come up to
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przyjść do
cut off
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carry out
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come off
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catch on
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przyjmować się
come out
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ukazywać się/wychodzić
come up with
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come by
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wpaść (do kogoś z wizytą)
come about
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przyjść o
call off
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call up
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come up
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