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genesis /ˈdʒenəsɪs; US / noun [sing.] (formal) the beginning or origin of sth ▶ geneza
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ˈgene therapy noun [uncountable] a treatment in which normal genes are put into cells to replace ones that are missing or not normal ▶ terapia genowa
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genetic /dʒəˈnetɪk; US / adj. connected with genes, or with genetics The disease is caused by a genetic defect. ▶ genetyczny □ genetically /-kli; US / adv. ▶ genetycznie
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geˌnetically ˈmodified adj. (abbr. GM /ˌdʒi: ˈem; US /) (used about food, plants, etc.) that has been grown from cells whose genes have been changed in an artificial way genetically modified foods ▶ genetycznie modyfikowany
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geˌnetic ˈcode noun [countable] the arrangement of genes that controls how each living thing will develop ▶ kod genetyczny
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geˌnetic engiˈneering noun [uncountable] the science of changing the way a human, animal or plant develops by changing the information in its genes ▶ inżynieria genetyczna
identyfikacja osoby za pomocą badań DNA inizia ad imparare
□ geˌnetic ˈfingerprint noun [countable] ▶ (przen.) genetyczny odcisk palca (also ˌDNA ˈfingerprinting) noun [uncountable] the method of finding the particular pattern of genes in an individual person, particularly to identify sb or find out if sb has committed a crime ▶ identyfikacja osoby za pomocą badań DNA
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geneticist /dʒəˈnetɪsɪst; US / noun [countable] a scientist who studiesgenetics ▶ genetyk
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genetics /dʒəˈnetɪks; US / noun [uncountable] the scientific study of the way that the development of living things is controlled by qualities that have been passed on from parents to children ▶ genetyka ⇨ look at gene
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genial /ˈdʒi: niəl; US / adj. (used about a person) pleasant and friendly ▶ dobroduszny towarzyski jowialny
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genie /ˈdʒi: ni; US / noun [countable] a spirit with magic powers, especially one that lives in a bottle or a lamp ▶ dżinn
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genitals /ˈdʒenɪtlz; US / (also genitalia /ˌdʒenɪˈteɪliə; US /) noun [pl.] (formal) the parts of sb’s sex organs that are outside the body ▶ genitalia zewnętrzne narządy płciowe
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2[countable] a person who has very great and unusual ability, especially in a particular subject Einstein was a mathematical genius. ▶ geniusz genius /ˈdʒi: niəs; US / noun 1 [uncountable] very great and unusual intelligence or ability Shakespeare’s tragedies show true genius. Her idea was a stroke of genius. ▶ wielki talent
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genocide /ˈdʒenəsaɪd; US / noun [uncountable] the murder of all the people of a particular race, religion, etc. ▶ ludobójstwo
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genome /ˈdʒi: nəʊm; US / noun [countable] the complete set of genes in a cell or living thing the human genome ▶ genom
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genre /ˈʒɒ͂rə; ˈʒɒnrə; US / noun [countable] (formal) a particular type or style of literature, art, film or music ▶ gatunek literacki rodzaj sztuki
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He was a gentle, patient man who loved playing with his grandchildren. ▶ łagodny delikatny 2 not strong, violent or extreme gentle exercise a gentle slope/curve a gentle breeze ▶ łagodny /ˈdʒentl / adj. 1 (used about people) kind and calm; touching or treating people or things in a careful way so that they are not hurt ‘ I’ll try and be as gentle as I can,’ said the dentist.
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□ gentleness /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ łagodność delikatność —gently /ˈdʒentli; US / adv. He touched her gently on the shoulder. The beach slopes gently down to the sea. ▶ łagodnie delikatnie
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2(formal) (used when speaking to or about a man or men in a polite way) Ladies and gentlemen... Szanowni Państwo Mrs Flinn, there is a gentleman here to see you (jakiś pan chce się z panią zobaczyć). ▶ pan mężczyzna gentleman /ˈdʒentlmən; US / noun [countable] (pl. -men /-mən; US /) 1(also informal gent /dʒent; US /) a man who is polite and who behaves well towards other people Everyone likes and respects Joe because he’s a real gentleman. ▶ dżentelmen
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gentry /ˈdʒentri; US / noun [pl.] (usually the gentry) (old-fashioned) people belonging to a high social class the local gentry the landed gentry ziemiaństwo ▶ szlachta
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the ˈgents (also the ˈGents) noun [sing.] (Brit., informal) a public toilet for men ▶ ubikacja dla panów ⇨ look at ladies ⇨ note at toilet
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2 sincere and honest; that can be trusted a very genuine person ▶ szczery prawdziwy naturalny □ genuinely /; US / adv. I’m genuinely interested in a career in teaching. ▶ autentycznie prawdziwie szczerze genuine /ˈdʒenjuɪn; US / adj. 1 real; true He thought that he had bought a genuine Rolex watch but it was a cheap fake. ▶ autentyczny prawdziwy
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geographer /dʒiˈɒɡrəfə(r); US / noun [countable] an expert in, or a student of, geography ▶ geograf
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2 the physical arrangement of a place We’re studying the geography of Asia. Taxi drivers need to know the geography of their town very well. ▶ geografia geography /dʒiˈɒɡrəfi; US / noun [uncountable] 1 the study of the world’s surface, physical qualities, climate, countries, products, etc. human/physical/economic geography ▶ geografia
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□ geographical /ˌdʒi:əˈɡræfɪkl; US / adj. ▶ geograficzny —geographically /-kli; US / adv. ▶ geograficznie terenowo
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geology /dʒiˈɒlədʒi; US / noun [uncountable] the study of rocks, and of the way they are formed ▶ geologia □ geological /ˌdʒi:əˈlɒdʒɪkl; US / adj. ▶ geologiczny
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geologist /dʒiˈɒlədʒɪst; US / noun [countable] an expert in, or a student of, geology ▶ geolog
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geology /dʒiˈɒlədʒi; US / noun [uncountable] the study of rocks, and of the way they are formed ▶ geologia □ geological /ˌdʒi:əˈlɒdʒɪkl; US / adj. ▶ geologiczny
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geometric /ˌdʒi:əˈmetrɪk; US / (also geometrical /-ɪkl; US /) adj. 1 connected with geometry ▶ geometryczny 2 consisting of regular shapes and lines a geometric design/pattern ▶ geometryczny □ geometrically /-kli; US / adv. ▶ geometrycznie
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geometry /dʒiˈɒmətri; US / noun [uncountable] the study in mathematics of lines, shapes, curves, etc. ▶ geometria
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□ geopolitical /ˌdʒi:əʊpəˈlɪtɪkl; US / adj. ▶ geopolityczny geopolitics /ˌdʒi:əʊˈpɒlətɪks; US / noun [uncountable, with sing. or pl. verb] the political relations between countries and groups of countries in the world; the study of these relations ▶ geopolityka
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geothermal /ˌdʒi:əʊˈɵɜ: ml; US / adj. connected with the natural heat of rock deep in the ground geothermal energy ▶ geotermalny
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geranium /dʒeˈreɪniəm; US / noun [countable] a garden plant with red, pink or white flowers ▶ geranium pelargonia
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geriatrics /ˌdʒeriˈætrɪks; US / noun [uncountable] the medical care of old people ▶ geriatria □ geriatric /; US / adj. a geriatric hospital ▶ geriatryczny
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2[sing.] the germ of sth the beginning of sth that may develop the germ of an idea ▶ zawiązek zarodek kiełek germ /dʒɜ: m; US / noun 1 [countable] a very small living thing that causes disease ▶ zarazek drobnoustrój bakcyl
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German measles /ˌdʒɜ: mən ˈmi: zlz; US / (also rubella /ru:ˈbelə; US /) noun [uncountable] a mild disease that causes red spots all over the body. If a woman catches it when she is pregnant, it may damage the baby. ▶ różyczka
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germinate /ˈdʒɜ: mɪneɪt; US / verb [i, t] (used about a seed) to start growing; to cause a seed to do this ▶ kiełkować wschodzić doprowadzać do kiełkowania □ germination /ˌdʒɜ: mɪˈneɪʃn; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ kiełkowanie wschodzenie
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gesticulate /dʒeˈstɪkjuleɪt; US / verb [intransitive] to make movements with your hands and arms in order to express sth A man was standing in the road gesticulating wildly, so we stopped the car. ▶ gestykulować
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2 something that you do that shows other people what you think or feel It would be a nice gesture to invite the neighbours in for a drink. ▶ gest gesture1 /ˈdʒestʃə(r); US / noun [countable] 1 a movement of the hand, head, etc. that expresses sth I saw the boy make a rude gesture at the policeman before running off. ▶ gest ruch (ręką, ciałem)
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gesture2 /ˈdʒestʃə(r); US / verb [intransitive, transitive] to point at sth, to make a sign to sb She asked them to leave and gestured towards the door. ▶ wskazywać wykonywać gest
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2[transitive] have/has got sth to have sth I’ve got a lot to do today. Lee’s got blond hair. Have you got a spare pen? ▶ mieć get /ɡet/ verb (getting; past tense got /ɡɒt/, past participle got, US gotten /ˈɡɒtn/) 1[transitive] [no passive] to receive, obtain or buy sth I got a letter from my sister. Did you get a present for your mother? dostawać otrzymywać kupować
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4[transitive] to catch or have an illness, pain, etc. I think I’m getting a cold. Chyba się przeziębiłem. He often gets really bad headaches. Często cierpi na ból głowy. Stop smoking or you’ll get cancer. ▶ zachorować na coś 3[transitive] [no passive] to go to a place and bring sth back Go and get me a pen, please. Sam’s gone to get his mother from the station. The police have got (złapała) the gang who carried out the robbery. ▶ przynosić przywozić
Get używa się jako czasownika posiłkowego w stronie biernej. Zwykle opisuje krótkie, przypadkowe zdarzenia. W tłumaczeniu na polski często używa się wówczas czasownika w stronie czynnej. 7[intransitive] to have sth happen to you She got bitten by a dog. Ugryzł ją pies. Don’t leave your wallet on the table or it’ll get stolen (ktoś go ukradnie). inizia ad imparare
6[transitive] to make sb/sth be in a particular state or condition I’m getting my clothes ready (przygotowuję ubrania) for tomorrow. He got his fingers caught in the door. Przytrzasnął sobie palce drzwiami. Don’t get your dress dirty! 5[intransitive] to become; to reach a particular state or condition It’s getting dark. Ściemnia się. to get angry złościć się to get bored nudzić się to get hungry zgłodnieć ▶ robić się stawać się
nakłaniać kogoś do czegoś You must get the car serviced every 10 000 miles. Musisz zrobić przegląd samochodu po każdych dziesięciu tysiącach mil. • I had to get the car repaired. Musiałam oddać samochód do naprawy. Czasownika get używa się również wtedy, gdy na naszą prośbę czy zamówienie ktoś inny ma wykonać daną czynność: I have to get my hair cut. Muszę obciąć włosy. • inizia ad imparare
9[transitive] get sth done to cause sth to be done Let’s get this work done – then we can go out. She finally got the book finished. Skończyła wreszcie pisać książkę. ▶ zrobić coś albo zlecić komuś wykonanie jakiejś czynności 8[transitive] get sb/sth to do sth to make sb/sth do sth or persuade sb to do sth I got him to agree to the plan. I can’t get the TV to work. Nie mogę nic zrobić, żeby telewizor zaczął działać. ▶ nakłaniać kogoś do czegoś
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We’d better get going (lepiej pośpieszmy się) if we don’t want to be late. ▶ zabierać się do czegoś 10 [i] [used with verbs in the -ing form] to start doing sth We don’t have much time so we’d better get working (lepiej weźmy się do pracy). I got talking (zacząłem rozmawiać) to a woman on the bus.
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12[i] to arrive at or reach a place We should get to London at about ten. Can you tell me how to get to the hospital? What time do you usually get home (wracasz do domu)? I got half way up the mountain then gave up. ▶ dojechać dojść 11[intransitive] get to do sth to have the chance to do sth Did you get to see (czy udało ci się zobaczyć) the Rembrandt exhibition? Did you get to try the new computer? ▶ mieć okazję udawać się
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14[transitive] to move or put sth somewhere We couldn’t get the piano upstairs (wnieść pianina na górę). My foot was swollen and I couldn’t get my shoe off (zdjąć buta). ▶ przenosić zanosić 13[intransitive] to move or go somewhere; I can’t swim so I couldn’t get across (przejść przez) the river. My grandmother’s 92 and she doesn’t get out of (nie wychodzi z) the house much.
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17[intransitive] to hit, hold or catch sb/sth He got me by the throat and threatened to kill me. A boy threw a stone at me but he didn’t get me. The police have got the gang who carried out the robbery. ▶ uderzyć zatrzymać 16[transitive] get (sb) sth; get sth (for sb) to prepare food Can I get you anything to eat? Joe’s in the kitchen getting breakfast for everyone. ▶ przygotowywać (coś do jedzenia)
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18[transitive] to hear or understand sth I’m sorry, I didn’t get that. Could you repeat it? Did you get that joke that Karen told? ▶ słyszeć rozumieć
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getaway /ˈɡetəweɪ; US / noun [countable] an escape (after a crime) I made a quick getaway. Szybko uciekłem. a getaway car samochód służący do ucieczki a getaway driver kierowca samochodu służącego do ucieczki ▶ ucieczka
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ˈget-together noun [countable] (informal) an informal social meeting or party We’re going to have a get-together on Saturday evening. ▶ spotkanie prywatka
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2 (Brit.) a piece of equipment in a kitchen or bathroom that heats water, usually by gas ▶ piecyk gazowy terma gazowa geyser /ˈɡi: zə(r); US ˈɡaɪz- / noun [countable] 1 a place where hot water or steam is sent up naturally into the air from under the ground ▶ gejzer ⇨ look at spring
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gherkin /ˈɡɜ: kɪn; US / noun [countable] a small green cucumber that is preserved in vinegar before being eaten ▶ korniszon
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ghetto /ˈɡetəʊ; US / noun [countable] (pl. ghettoes) a part of a town where many people of the same race, religion, etc. live in poor conditions ▶ getto
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ghost /ɡəʊst; US / noun [countable] the spirit of a dead person that is seen or heard by sb who is still living I don’t believe in ghosts. a ghost story historia o duchach The ghost of an old woman is said to haunt the house. ▶ duch widmo zjawa
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ˈghost town noun [countable] a town that used to be busy and have people living in it, but is now empty ▶ miasto-widmo
osoba pisząca książkę dla kogoś sławnego inizia ad imparare
ghostwriter /ˈɡəʊstraɪtə(r); US / noun [countable] a person who writes a book, etc. for a famous person (whose name appears as the author) ▶ osoba pisząca książkę dla kogoś sławnego
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□ giant adj. a giant new shopping centre ▶ olbrzymi gigantyczny giant /ˈdʒaɪənt; US / noun [countable] 1 an extremely large, strong person a giant of a man ▶ olbrzym wielkolud 2 something that is very large the multinational oil giants ▶ gigant
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gibber /ˈdʒɪbə(r); US / verb [intransitive, transitive] to speak quickly in a way that is difficult to understand, often because of fear He cowered in the corner, gibbering with terror. By this time I was a gibbering wreck. ▶ bełkotać
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gibberish /ˈdʒɪbərɪʃ; US / noun [uncountable] words that have no meaning or that are impossible to understand I was so nervous in my interview I just spoke gibberish. ▶ bełkot bzdury
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gibbon /ˈɡɪbən; US / noun [countable] a small ape with long arms, that lives in SE Asia ▶ gibon
podroby (wątróbka, nerki kurczaka itp) inizia ad imparare
giblets /ˈdʒɪbləts; US / noun [pl.] the inside parts of a chicken or other bird, including the heart and stomach, that are usually removed before it is cooked ▶ podroby
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2a gift (for sth/doing sth) natural ability I’d love to have a gift for languages like Mike has. ▶ talent wrodzona umiejętność gift /ɡɪft/ noun [c] 1 something that you give to sb; a present This watch was a gift from my mother. This week’s magazine contains a free gift of some make-up. The company made a gift of a computer to a local school. ▶ prezent upominek podarunek
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gifted /ˈɡɪftɪd; US / adj. having natural ability or great intelligence an extremely gifted musician ▶ utalentowany
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gigabyte /ˈɡɪɡəbaɪt; US / (abbr. Gb /ˌdʒi: ˈbi:; US /) noun [countable] a unit of computer memory, equal to 230 bytes ▶ gigabajt
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gigantic /dʒaɪˈɡæntɪk; US / adj. extremely big ▶ gigantyczny olbrzymi
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giggle /ˈɡɪɡl; US / verb [i] to laugh in a silly way that you can’t control, because you are amused or nervous ▶ chichotać ⇨ look at chuckle □ giggle noun [countable] I’ve got the giggles. Nie mogę się przestać śmiać. ▶ chichot chichotanie
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gilt /ɡɪlt; US / noun [uncountable] a thin covering of gold ▶ złocenie pozłota gild /ɡɪld; US / verb [transitive] 1(literary) to make sth look bright, as if covered with gold The golden light gilded the sea. ▶ złocić 2 to cover sth with a thin layer of gold or gold paint ▶ pozłacać
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gill /ɡɪl; US / noun [countable, usually pl.] one of the parts on the side of a fish’s head that it breathes through ▶ skrzele
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□ gimmicky /ˈɡɪmɪki; US / adj. a gimmicky idea tani chwyt ▶ efekciarski —gimmickry /ˈɡɪmɪkri; US / noun [uncountable] the use ofgimmicks in selling, etc. ▶ używanie tanich chwytów Wyraża dezaprobatę. gimmick /ˈɡɪmɪk; US / noun [countable] an idea for attracting customers or persuading people to buy sth New magazines often use free gifts or other gimmicks to get people to buy them. ▶ chwyt sztuczka wabik
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gin /dʒɪn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] a strong, alcoholic drink with no colour ▶ dżin jałowcówka
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2 ginger hair ▶ rudy ryży ginger /ˈdʒɪndʒə(r); US / noun [uncountable] 1 a root that tastes hot and is used as a spice in cooking ground ginger ▶ imbir 2 a light brownish-orange colour ▶ kolor rudy/ryży □ ginger adj. 1 ginger biscuits ▶ imbirowy
napój bezalkoholowy przyprawiany imbirem inizia ad imparare
ˌginger ˈale noun [uncountable] a drink that does not contain alcohol and is flavoured with ginger ▶ napój bezalkoholowy przyprawiany imbirem Podobny napój to ginger beer, który jednak zawiera trochę alkoholu.
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gingerbread /ˈdʒɪndʒəbred; US / noun [uncountable] a sweet cake or biscuit flavoured with ginger ▶ piernik pierniczek miodownik
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giraffe /dʒəˈrɑ: f; US -ˈræf / noun [countable] (pl. giraffe or giraffes) a large African animal with a very long neck and legs and big dark spots on its skin ▶ żyrafa
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girder /ˈɡɜ: də(r); US / noun [countable] a long, heavy piece of iron or steel that is used in the building of bridges, large buildings, etc. ▶ dźwigar belka główna
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2 a daughter They have two boys and a girl. ▶ dziewczynka córka girl /ɡɜ: l; US / noun [countable] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 a female child Is the baby a boy or a girl? There are more boys than girls in the class. ▶ dziewczynka
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girlfriend /ˈɡɜ: lfrend/ [c] 1 a girl or woman with whom sb has a romantic and/or sexual relationship Has Frank got a girlfriend? ▶ dziewczyna przyjaciółka 2 (espUS) a girl or woman’s female friend I had lunch with a girlfriend. ▶ przyjaciółka 3 a young woman He was eighteen before he became interested in girls. The girl at the cash desk was very helpful. ▶ dziewczyna panienka 4(girls) [pl.] a woman’s female friends of any age a night out with the girls ▶ dziewczęta przyjaciółki
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girlish /ˈɡɜ: lɪʃ; US / adj. looking, sounding or behaving like a girl a girlish figure/giggle ▶ dziewczęcy
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girth /ɡɜ:ɵ; US / noun [uncountable, countable] the measurement around sth, especially sb’s waist a man of enormous girth a tree one metre in girth/with a girth of one metre ▶ obwód (np. osoby w talii/pasie, drzewa)
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2[t] give sb sth; give sth to sb to make sb have sth Mr Johns gives us too much homework. Playing chess gives me a headache. If you go to school with the flu, you’ll give it to everyone (zarazisz wszystkich). ▶ dawać sprawiać /ɡɪv/ verb (past tense gave /ɡeɪv ; US /, past participle given /ˈɡɪvn ; US /) 1[t] give sb sth; give sth to sb to let sb have sth, esp. sth that they want or need I gave Jackie a book for her birthday. I gave my bag to my friend to look after.
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She gave me the impression that she’s sick of her job. From what her staff told me, I was given to understand that (dano mi do zrozumienia) Miss Murphy was not popular. ▶ powodować przyprawiać sprawiać 3[t] to make sb have a particular feeling, idea, etc. Swimming always gives me a good appetite. to give somebody a surprise/shock/fright What gives you the idea that he was lying?
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4[t] give (sb) sth; give sth to sb to let sb have your opinion, decision, judgement, etc. Can you give me some advice? My boss has given me permission to leave early. The judge gave him five years in prison. ▶ dawać udzielać
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6[transitive] give (sb) sth for sth; give (sb) sth (to do sth) to pay in order to have sth How much did you give him for fixing the car? • (figurative) I’d give anything to be able to sing like that. ▶ płacić dawać 5[transitive] give sb sth; give sth to sb to speak to people in a formal situation to give (wygłaszać) a speech/talk/lecture The officer was called to give evidence (do złożenia zeznań) in court.
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7[transitive] to spend time dealing with sb/sth We need to give some thought to this matter urgently. I’ll just finish this, then I can give you my undivided attention. ▶ poświęcać
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9[transitive] to perform or organize sth for people The company gave a party to celebrate its 50th anniversary. All the actors gave a tremendous performance. ▶ wydawać (np. przyjęcie) 8[transitive] give (sb/sth) sth to do sth to sb/sth; to make a particular sound or movement to give somebody a kiss/push/hug/bite to give something a clean/wash/polish Give me a call when you get home.
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10[intransitive] to bend or stretch under pressure The branch began to give under my weight. I tried to make him change his mind but he wouldn’t give an inch. ▶ wyginać się osuwać się ustępować pod naciskiem
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2 something that makes you guess the truth about sb/sth She said she didn’t know about the money but her face was a dead giveaway (zdradzała ją). ▶ coś co zdradza prawdę giveaway /ˈɡɪvəweɪ; US / noun [countable] (informal) 1 a thing that is included free when you buy sth There’s usually some giveaway with that magazine. ▶ bezpłatny dodatek
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given2 /ˈɡɪvn; US / adj. [only before a noun] already stated or decided At any given time, up to 200 people are using the library. They met at a given place every evening. ▶ dany
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given3 /ˈɡɪvn; US / prep. considering sth Given that you had very little help, I think you did very well. ▶ biorąc pod uwagę
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2 very cold glacial winds/temperatures the glacial waters of the Arctic The dining room was glacial. ▶ lodowaty glacial /ˈɡleɪʃl; US ˈɡleɪsiəl / adj. 1 (technical) connected with, or caused byglaciers a glacial landscape glacial deposits/erosion ▶ lodowcowy
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glacier /ˈɡlæsiə(r); US ˈɡleɪʃər / noun [countable] a large mass of ice that moves slowly down a valley ▶ lodowiec
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2glad (of sth); glad (if...) grateful for sth If you are free, I’d be glad of some help. I’d be glad if you could help me. ▶ wdzięczny (za coś) 3[only before a noun] bringing happiness I want to be the first to bring you the glad news. ▶ radosny glad /ɡlæd; US / adj. 1 [not before a noun] glad (about sth); glad to do sth/that... happy; pleased I’m glad (that) he’s feeling better. I’ll be glad when these exams are over. thoroughly honest. Are you glad about your new job? ▶ zadowolony
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□ gladness /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ radość szczęście
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glade /ɡleɪd; US / noun [countable] a small open area of grass in a wood or forest ▶ polana poręba
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gladiator /ˈɡlædieɪtə(r); US / noun [countable] (in ancient Rome) a man who fought against another man or a wild animal in a public show ▶ gladiator
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gladly /ˈɡlædli; US / adv. (used for politely agreeing to a request or accepting an invitation) ‘ Could you help me carry these bags?’ ‘ Gladly.’ She gladly accepted the invitation to stay the night. ▶ chętnie ochoczo
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glamorize (also glamorise) /ˈɡlæməraɪz; US / verb [transitive] to make sth appear more attractive or exciting than it really is TV tends to glamorize violence. ▶ dodawać uroku uatrakcyjniać
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□ glamorous /ˈɡlæmərəs; US / adj. the glamorous world of opera ▶ olśniewający atrakcyjny fascynujący —glamorously /; US / adv. ▶ olśniewająco wspaniale glamour (US also glamor) /ˈɡlæmə(r); US / noun [uncountable] the quality of seeming to be more exciting or attractive than ordinary things or people Young people are often attracted by the glamour of city life. ▶ blask
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/ɡlɑ:ns/ noun[c] a quick look to take/have a glance at the newspaper headlines They exchanged glances when no one was looking. She stole a glance (ukradkiem spojrzała) at her watch. She walked away without a backward glance. ▶ zerknięcie rzut oka glance1 /ɡlɑ: ns; US ɡlæ- / verb [i] to look quickly at sb/sth She glanced round the room to see if they were there. He glanced at her and smiled. The receptionist glanced down the list of names. I just had time to glance at the report ▶ spojrzeć zerknąć