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firma, przedsiębiorstwo
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firm1 /fɜ: m; US / noun [countable, with sing. or pl. verb] a business company Which firm do you work for? The firm is/are opening new stores every year. ▶ firma przedsiębiorstwo
twardy, jędrny
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2 strong and steady or not likely to change a firm commitment/decision She kept a firm grip on her mother’s hand. Have you got a firm date for your holiday? Czy ustaliłeś już datę urlopu? I’ve got a firm offer of a job in NY. ▶ mocny niezmienny
firm2 /fɜ: m; US / adj. 1 able to stay the same shape when pressed; quite hard a firm mattress firm muscles Choose a melon that is firm, but not hard. ▶ twardy (owoce itp.) jędrny ⇨ look at hard
stanowczy wobec kogoś
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firm with sb
3firm (with sb) strong and in control He’s very firm with his children. You have to show the examiner that you have a firm grasp of grammar (solidną znajomość gramatyki). ▶ stanowczy (wobec kogoś)
twardo, stanowczo
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firm, firm
—firmness /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ jędrność stanowczość twardość
to hold sth firmly ‘ I can manage,’ she said firmly. It is now firmly established as one of the leading brands in the country. Wyrobiła sobie mocną pozycję Keep your eyes firmly fixed on the road ahead. Nie odrywaj wzroku ▶ twardo stanowczo
pierwszy, najpierw
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first, first
3 the time before all the other times; for the first time Where did you first meet your husband? ▶ po raz pierwszy 4 (used for introducing the first thing in a list) There are several people I would like to thank: first, my mother. ▶ po pierwsze
1 before any others Sue arrived first at the party. He always wants to come first when he plays a game. Do you want to go first or second? ▶ (jako) pierwszy 2 before doing anything else I’ve got to finish my homework first. ▶ najpierw
pierwsza pomoc
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first aid
pierwsza klasa
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first class
2 (Brit.) the way of sending letters, etc. that is faster but more expensive than second class First class costs more. ▶ przesyłka priorytetowa
ˌfirst ˈclass1 noun [uncountable] 1 the best and most expensive seats on a train, ship, etc. There is more room in first class. ▶ pierwsza klasa
pierwszorzędny, priorytetowy
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3[only before a noun] (Brit.) (used about the way of sending letters, etc. that is faster but more expensive than second-class) first-class mail/letters/stamps ▶ (przesyłka itp.) priorytetowy
1of the highest standard a first-class player This book is really first-class. ▶ pierwszorzędny znakomity 2[before a noun] (used about the best and most expensive seats on a train, ship, etc.) a first-class cabin/seat/ticket ▶ pierwszej klasy
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Tym samym słowem określa się zarówno brata ciotecznego, jak i siostrę cioteczną. Second cousin to dziecko brata ciotecznego lub siostry ciotecznej twojego ojca/twojej matki.
cousin /ˈkʌzn; US / (also ˌfirst ˈcousin) noun [countable] the child of your aunt or uncle Paul and I are cousins. ▶ brat/siostra cioteczn-y/a brat/siostra stryjeczn-y/a kuzyn/ka
pierwsze piętro
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the first floor
the ˌfirst ˈfloor noun [countable] 1 (Brit.) the floor of a building above the ground floor I live in a flat on the first floor. a first-floor flat ▶ pierwsze piętro
pierwszy bieg
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first gear
ˌfirst ˈgear noun [countable] the lowest gear on a car, bicycle, etc. To move off, put the car into first gear and slowly release the clutch. ▶ pierwszy bieg
z pierwszej ręki, bezpośredni
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first-hand, direct
□ first-hand adv. I’ve experienced the problem first-hand (znam ten problem z własnego doświadczenia), so I know how you feel. ▶ z pierwszej ręki bezpośrednio
first-hand /ˌfɜ: st ˈhænd; US / adj. (used about information, experience, a story, etc.) heard, seen or learnt by yourself, not from other people He gave me a first-hand account of the accident. ▶ z pierwszej ręki bezpośredni
po pierwsze
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firstly /ˈfɜ: stli; US / adv. (used to introduce the first point in a list) They were angry firstly because they had to pay extra, and secondly because no one had told them about it. ▶ po pierwsze  SYNONYM  first2 (4)
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fir tree
fir /fɜ:(r); US / (also ˈfir tree) noun [countable] a tree with needles that do not fall off in winter ▶ jodła
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fiscal /ˈfɪskl; US / adj. connected with government or public money, especially taxes fiscal policies/reforms ▶ fiskalny
ryba, rybny
W lm najcześciej używa się formy fish. Fishes stosuje się, gdy mówimy o różnych gatunkach ryb: I went diving on holiday – it was fantastic to see so many different fishes (gatunki ryb)
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fish, fish
2[uncountable] fish as food We’re having fish for dinner. ▶ ryba
fish1 /fɪʃ; US / noun (pl. fish or fishes) 1 [countable] an animal that lives and breathes in water and swims How many fish have you caught? ▶ ryba rybny
łowić ryby
Mówiąc o łowieniu ryb dla przyjemności, zwykle używa się zwrotu go fishing: They often go fishing at weekends.
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to fish
2fish (around) (in sth) (for sth) to search for sth in water or in a deep or hidden place She fished (around) for her keys in the bottom of her bag. ▶ szukać czegoś w wodzie lub w czymś głębokim (np. w torbie)
fish2 /fɪʃ; US / verb [intransitive] 1fish (for sth) to try to catch fish He’s fishing for trout. ▶ łowić ryby wędkować
kotlet rybny
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fishcake /ˈfɪʃkeɪk; US / noun [countable] (especially Brit.) pieces of fish mixed with potato that are made into a flat round shape, covered with breadcrumbs and fried ▶ kotlet rybny
rybak, wędkarz
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fisherman, angler
fisherman /ˈfɪʃəmən; US / noun [countable] (pl. -men /-mən; US /) a person who catches fish either as a job or as a sport ▶ rybak wędkarz ⇨ look at angler
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ˈfish farm (also fishery) noun [countable] a place where fish are bred as a business ▶ gospodarstwo rybne
fishery /ˈfɪʃəri; US / noun [countable] (pl. fisheries) 1 a part of the sea or a river where fish are caught in large quantities a herring fishery coastal/freshwater fisheries ▶ łowisko (na terenach wodnych) 2= fish farm a trout fishery
paluszek rybny
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fish sticks
ˌfish ˈfinger (US ˌfish ˈstick) noun [countable] a long narrow piece of fish covered with breadcrumbs or batter, usually frozen and sold in packs ▶ paluszek rybny
rybołówstwo, wędkowanie
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fishing, fishing
fishing /ˈfɪʃɪŋ; US / noun [uncountable] catching fish as a job, sport or hobby Fishing is a major industry in Iceland. ▶ rybołówstwo wędkarstwo łowienie ryb
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fishing rod
ˈfishing rod noun [countable] a long thin stick with a line and a hook on it for catching fish ▶ wędka
sklep rybny, sprzedawca ryb
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fishmonger /ˈfɪʃmʌŋɡə(r); US / noun (Brit.) 1 [countable] a person whose job is to sell fish ▶ sprzedaw-ca/czyni ryb 2 (the fishmonger’s) [sing.] a shop that sells fish ▶ sklep rybny
łopatka kuchenna
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fish slice
ˈfish slice (US spatula) noun [countable] a kitchen utensil that has a broad flat blade with narrow holes in it attached to a long handle, used for turning and lifting food when cooking ▶ łopatka kuchenna
rozszczepienie (fiz)
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fissure /ˈfɪʃə(r); US / noun [countable] (technical) a long deep crack in sth, especially in rock or in the earth parched grassland dissected by open dry fissures ▶ szczelina szpara
fission /ˈfɪʃn; US / noun [uncountable] (also ˌnuclear ˈfission) the act or process of splitting the nucleus of an atom, when a large amount of energy is produced ▶ (fiz.) rozszczepienie (jądra atomu) ⇨ look at fusion, nuclear
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fist /fɪst; US / noun [countable] a hand with the fingers closed together tightly She clenched her fists in anger. ▶ pięść
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How do these two parts fit together (pasują do siebie)? ▶ być w odpowiednim rozmiarze pasować
fit1 /fɪt; US / verb (fitting; fitted) 1[intr, tran] to be the right size or shape for sb/sth These jeans fit very well. This dress doesn’t fit me any more. Ta suknia nie jest już na mnie dobra. This key doesn’t fit in the lock.
mieścić się
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2[transitive] fit (sb/sth) in/into/on/onto sth to find or have enough space for sb/sth My car won’t fit into your garage. I can’t fit into these trousers any more. I can’t fit all these books onto the shelf. ▶ mieścić (się)
montować, wyposażyć
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3[tran] to put or fix sth in the right place They fitted a smoke alarm to the ceiling. The builders are fitting (wstawiają) new windows today. I can’t fit these pieces of the model together. We fitted together the pieces of the puzzle. ▶ montować
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4[transitive] to be or make sb/sth right or suitable The description fits Jo perfectly. Jo doskonale odpowiada temu opisowi. I don’t think Tom’s fitted (jest odpowiednią osobą) for such a demanding job. ▶ być/czynić odpowiednim kwalifikować
w dobrej formie, zdrowy
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Swimming is a good way to keep fit. You should cycle to work – that would soon get you fit. My dad’s almost recovered from his illness, but he’s still not fit enough for work. She goes to keep-fit classes. ▶ w (dobrej) formie zdrowy
fit2 /fɪt; US / adj. (fitter; fittest) 1fit (for sth/to do sth) strong and in good physical health (especially because of exercise)
odpowiedni, nadający się
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2fit (for sb/sth); fit to do sth good enough; suitable Do you think she is fit for the job? These houses are not fit (for people) to live in. ▶ odpowiedni nadający się
atak, napad
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2[countable] a sudden short period of coughing, laughing, etc. that you cannot control I had a coughing fit in the middle of the concert. a fit of laughter/anger ▶ napad (np. złości, śmiechu) przypływ (np. gniewu) atak
fit3 /fɪt; US / noun 1 [countable] a sudden attack of an illness, in which sb becomes unconscious and their body may make violent movements to have fits ▶ atak (drgawek) napad
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2fitness for sth/to do sth the quality of being suitable The directors were not sure about his fitness for the job. ▶ zdatność przydatność
fitness /ˈfɪtnəs; US / noun [uncountable] 1 the condition of being strong and healthy Fitness is important in most sports. ▶ (dobra) forma kondycja
centrum fitnessu
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fitness center
ˈfitness centre (US ˈfitness center) noun [countable] a place where people go to do physical exercise in order to stay or become healthy and fit The hotel has a fitness centre with a sauna. ▶ centrum fitnessu gabinet odnowy biologicznej
dopasowany, zabudowany
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fitted, built-up
fitted /ˈfɪtɪd/ adj. [only before a noun] made or cut to fit a particular space and fixed there a fitted carpet wykładzina dywanowa a fitted kitchen kuchnia z zamontowanym wyposażeniem fitted cupboards zamontowane szafki ▶ dopasowany zabudowany
odpowiedni, dopasowany (formal)
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2(-fitting) (used in compounds to describe how clothes, etc. fit) a tight-fitting dress loose-fitting trousers ▶ dopasowany
fitting1 /ˈfɪtɪŋ; US / adj. 1 (formal) right; suitable It was fitting for the Olympics to be held in Greece, as that is where they originated. ▶ odpowiedni stosowny
wyposażenie ruchome
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fitting2 /ˈfɪtɪŋ; US / noun [countable, usually pl.] the things that are fixed in a building or on a piece of furniture but that can be changed or moved if necessary ▶ wyposażenie ruchome urządzenia ⇨
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a fitting room
ˈfitting room noun [countable] a room in a shop where you can put on clothes to see how they look ▶ przymierzalnia
zamocować, przymocować
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2fix sth (up) to decide or arrange sth We need to fix the price. Have you fixed (up) a date for the party? ▶ ustalać 3 (esp. US) fix sth (for sb) to prepare sth (especially food or drink) Can I fix you a drink/a drink for you? ▶ przygotowywać
fix1 /fɪks/ verb [tran] 1 to put sth firmly in place so that it will not move Can you fix this new handle to the door? He fixed the post firmly in the ground. • (fig) I found it difficult to keep my mind fixed on my work. ▶ zamocować przymocować
naprawiać, ustawiać
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5[usually passive] (informal) to arrange the result of sth in a way that is not honest or fair Fans of the losing team suspected that the match had been fixed. ▶ ustawiać (np. wynik meczu) sprzedać (np. mecz/wyścig)
4 to repair sth The electrician’s coming to fix the cooker. ▶ naprawiać
rozwiązanie, kłopotliwa sytuacja
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2[usually sing.] (informal) a difficult situation I was in a real fix – I’d locked the car keys inside the car. ▶ kłopotliwa sytuacja 3[usually sing.] (informal) a result that is dishonestly arranged ▶ wynik sfingowany/sfałszowany
fix2 /fɪks; US / noun [countable] 1 a solution to a problem, especially one that is easy or temporary There’s no quick fix to this problem. ▶ rozwiązanie
mający obsesję na punkcie czegoś
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fixated /fɪkˈseɪtɪd; US / adj. [not before a noun] fixated (on sb/sth) always thinking and talking about sb/sth in a way that is not normal He is fixated on things that remind him of his childhood. ▶ mający obsesję (na punkcie kogoś/czegoś)
mania, obsesja, bzik
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fixation /fɪkˈseɪʃn; US / noun [countable] a fixation (with sth) an interest in sth that is too strong and not normal I’m tired of James’s fixation with football. ▶ mania obsesja bzik
środek mocujący
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2 a substance that is used to stick things together or keep things in position ▶ środek mocujący
fixative /ˈfɪksətɪv/ noun [cou, unc] 1 a substance that is used to prevent colours or smells from changing or becoming weaker, for example in photography, art or the making of perfume ▶ środek utrwalający (zwł. do kolorów i zapachów) utrwalacz
ustalony, stały
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2 not changing He has such fixed ideas that you can’t discuss anything with him. She looked at him with a fixed smile (z uśmiechem przyklejonym do twarzy). ▶ niezmienny stały
fixed /fɪkst; US / adj. ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 already decided a fixed date/price/rent ▶ ustalony ⇨ look at movable
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2[usually pl.] a piece of furniture or equipment that is fixed in a house or building and sold with it Does the price of the house include fixtures and fittings? ▶ wyposażenie stałe osprzęt
fixture /ˈfɪkstʃə(r); US / noun [countable] 1 a sports event arranged for a particular day a fixture list to arrange/cancel/play a fixture ▶ impreza sportowa wyznaczona na dany dzień
bąbelki, gaz
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fizz /fɪz; US / noun [uncountable] the bubbles in a liquid and the sound they make This lemonade’s lost its fizz. ▶ bąbelki gaz □ fizz verb [intransitive] ▶ musować
gazowany, musujący
Mówiąc o wodzie mineralnej lub winie, zwykle używa się słowa sparkling, a nie fizzy.
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fizzy /ˈfɪzi; US / adj. (fizzier; fizziest) (used about a drink) containing many small bubbles of gas ▶ gazowany musujący
napój gazowany
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fizzy drink
ˌfizzy ˈdrink (US soda) noun [countable] a sweet drink without alcohol that contains many small bubbles The only fizzy drinks I’ve got are cola and lemonade. ▶ napój gazowany
sflaczały, obwisły
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flabby /ˈflæbi; US / adj. (flabbier; flabbiest) 1 (used about a person) having too much soft fat instead of muscle a flabby stomach ▶ sflaczały obwisły 2 (used about muscles, arms, legs, etc.) too soft ▶ zwiotczały
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The train will leave when the guard waves his flag. ▶ flaga chorągiew(ka)
flag1 /flæɡ; US / noun [countable] a piece of cloth with a pattern or picture on it, often tied to a flagpole or a rope and used as a symbol of a country, club, etc. or as a signal The flag is flying for the Queen’s birthday.
maszt flagowy
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flagpole /ˈflæɡpəʊl; US / (also flagstaff) noun [countable] a tall pole on which a flag is hung ▶ maszt flagowy
polot, talent
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2[uncountable] the quality of being interesting or having style That poster is designed with her usual flair. ▶ polot
flair /fleə(r); US / noun 1 [sing.] (a) flair for sth a natural ability to do sth well She has a flair for (ma talent do) languages. ▶ talent zdolności dar
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flake1 /fleɪk; US / noun [countable] a small thin piece of sth snowflakes flakes of paint ▶ płatek
łuszczyć się
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flake2 /fleɪk; US / verb [intransitive] flake (off) to come off in flakes This paint is very old – it’s beginning to flake (off). ▶ łuszczyć się odpadać płatami
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The flame of the candle flickered by the open window. The house was in flames (płonął) when the fire engine arrived. The piece of paper burst into flames (stanął w płomieniach) in the fire. ▶ płomień
flame /fleɪm; US / noun [countable, uncountable] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW an area of bright burning gas that comes from sth that is on fire
łuszczący się, odpadający
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□ flakiness /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ odpadanie łuszczenie się dziwactwo i roztargnienie podatność na zepsucie się/stłuczenie/pęknięcie
flaky /ˈfleɪki; US / adj. 1 tending to break into small, thin pieces flaky pastry dry flaky skin ▶ odpadający łuszczący się
gwałtowny, płonący
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4 (used about colours, especially red) very bright flaming red hair a flaming sunset ▶ ognisty jaskrawy
flaming /ˈfleɪmɪŋ; US / adj. [only before a noun] 1 (used about anger, an argument, etc.) violent We had a flaming argument over the bills. ▶ gwałtowny 2 burning brightly a flaming bonfire ▶ płonący
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flamingo /fləˈmɪŋɡəʊ; US / (pl. flamingoes or flamingos) noun [countable] a large pink and red bird that has long legs and stands in water ▶ flaming
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Inflammable oznacza to samo co flammable i jest słowem częściej używanym.
flammable /ˈflæməbl; US / adj. able to burn easily ▶ łatwopalny
placek, tarta
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flan /flæn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] a round open pie that is filled with fruit, cheese, vegetables, etc. ▶ placek tarta
skrzydło, flanka
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wing, flank
flank2 /flæŋk; US / verb [transitive, usually passive] to be placed at the side or sides of The road was flanked by trees. Droga była wysadzona drzewami. ▶ znajdować się po obu stronach
flank1 /flæŋk; US / noun [countable] 1 the parts of an army at the sides in a battle ▶ skrzydło (odziału wojska) flanka 2 the side of an animal’s body ▶ bok (zwierzęcia)
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flannel /ˈflænl; US / noun 1 [uncountable] a type of soft cloth made of wool ▶ flanela 2= facecloth
klapka (ubrania, koperty)
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flap1 /flæp; US / noun [countable] a piece of cloth, paper, etc. that is fixed to sth at one side only, often covering an opening the flap of an envelope ▶ klapka poła skrzydełko
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[intransitive] (informal) to become worried or excited Stop flapping – it’s all organized! ▶ przejmować się denerwować się
flap2 /flæp; US / verb (flapping; flapped) 1 [intransitive, transitive] to move (sth) up and down or from side to side, especially in the wind The sails were flapping in the wind. The bird flapped its wings and flew away. ▶ trzepotać (się)
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flare1 /fleə(r); US / verb [intransitive] to burn for a short time with a sudden bright flame ▶ zapłonąć
płomień, flara
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2[countable] a thing that produces a bright light or flame, used especially as a signal The ship sent up distress flares as it started to sink. ▶ rakieta świetlna sygnał świetlny flara
flare2 /fleə(r); US / noun 1 [sing.] a sudden bright light or flame ▶ płomień błysk
rozszerzany ku dołowi (o ubraniach)
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flared /fleəd; US / adj. (used about trousers and skirts) becoming wider towards the bottom edge flared jeans/ trousers dzwony ▶ rozszerzany dołem
błyskać, migać
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2[transitive] to show sth quickly The detective flashed his card and went straight in. He flashed a smile at her and drove away. ▶ pomachać (czymś) migać (czymś)
flash1 /flæʃ; US / verb 1[int, tran] to produce or make sth produce a sudden bright light for a short time The neon sign above the door flashed on and off all night. That lorry driver’s flashing his lights at us. ▶ błyskać (się) świecić (się)
migać, przemykać
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4[transitive] to send sth by radio, TV, etc. The news of the disaster was flashed across the world. ▶ nadawać błyskawicznie
to move very fast I saw something flash past the window. Thoughts kept flashing through my mind and I couldn’t sleep. ▶ migać przemykać
błysk, przypływ
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flash, tide
3[countable, uncountable] a bright light that you use with a camera for taking photographs when it is dark; the device for producing this light a camera with a built-in flash ▶ flesz
flash2 /flæʃ; US / noun 1[c] a sudden bright light that comes and goes quickly a flash of lightning ▶ błysk błyskawica 2[countable] a flash (of sth) a sudden strong feeling or idea a flash of inspiration ▶ przypływ (np. natchnienia)
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flashback /ˈflæʃbæk; US / noun [countable, uncountable] a part of a film, play, etc. that shows sth that happened before the main story ▶ (film; teatr) retrospekcja
efektowny, jaskrawy
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flashy /ˈflæʃi; US / adj. (flashier; flashiest) attracting attention by being very big, bright and expensive a flashy sports car flashy clothes/jewellery ▶ efektowny jaskrawy krzykliwy
kolba, retorta (chem.)
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flask /flɑ: sk; US flæsk / noun [countable] 1 a bottle with a narrow neck that is used for storing and mixing chemicals in scientific work ▶ (chem.) kolba retorta 2 (Brit.) = Thermos
płaski, płytki
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flat, shallow
2 not high or deep You need flat shoes for walking. a flat dish ▶ płaski płytki
flat1 /flæt; US / adj. (flatter; flattest) 1 smooth and level, with no parts that are higher than the rest I need a flat surface to write this letter on. a flat roof The countryside in Essex is quite flat (równinny). ▶ płaski równy
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2 [sing.] the flat (of sth) the flat part or side of sth the flat of your hand dłoń ▶ płaska część czegoś
flat2 /flæt; US / noun 1 [countable] (especially US apartment) a set of rooms that is used as a home (usually in a large building) Do you rent your flat or have you bought it? That old house has been divided into luxury flats. ▶ mieszkanie
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a flatmate
flatmate /ˈflætmeɪt; US / (US ˈroom-mate) noun [countable] a person who shares a flat with one or more others ▶ współlokator/ka
wyrównywać, spłaszczać
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flatten /ˈflætn; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] flatten (sth) (out) to become or make sth flat The countryside flattens out as you get nearer the sea. The storms have flattened crops all over the country. ▶ wyrównywać (się) spłaszczać (się)
schlebiać, pochlebiać
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flatter, flatter
2flatter yourself (that...) to choose to believe sth good about yourself although other people may not think the same He flatters himself that he speaks fluent French. ▶ oszukiwać samego siebie schlebiać sobie
flatter /ˈflætə(r); US / verb [transitive] 1 to say nice things to sb, often in a way that is not sincere, because you want to please them or because you want to get an advantage for yourself ▶ schlebiać pochlebiać
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flattery /ˈflætəri; US / noun [uncountable] saying good things about sb/sth that you do not really mean ▶ pochlebstwo schlebianie
flattering /ˈflætərɪŋ; US / adj. making sb look or sound more attractive or important than they really are ▶ (wygląd itp.) korzystny (ubranie) twarzowy pochlebny
smak, posmak
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2[sing.] an idea of the particular quality or character of sth This video will give you a flavour of what the city is like. ▶ posmak klimat
flavour1 (US flavor) /ˈfleɪvə(r); US / noun ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1[countable, uncountable] the taste (of food) Do you think a little salt would improve the flavour? ten different flavours of yogurt yogurt in ten different flavours ▶ smak
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flavouring (US flavoring) /ˈfleɪvərɪŋ; US / noun [countable, uncountable] something that you add to food or drink to give it a particular taste This orange juice contains no artificial flavourings. ▶ dodatek smakowy przyprawa
flavour2 (US flavor) /ˈfleɪvə(r); US / verb [transitive] to give flavour to sth Add a little nutmeg to flavour the sauce. strawberry-flavoured (o smaku truskawkowym) milkshake ▶ przyprawiać
błąd, skaza
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2 a mark or crack in an object that means that it is not perfect ▶ skaza pęknięcie rysa 3a flaw (in sb/sth) a bad quality in sb’s character His only real flaw is impatience. ▶ wada
flaw /flɔ:; US / noun [countable] 1a flaw (in sth) a mistake in sth that makes it not good enough or causes it not to function as it should There are some flaws in her argument. ▶ błąd słaby punkt
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flawless /ˈflɔ: ləs; US / adj. with no faults or mistakes a flawless diamond a flawless complexion ▶ bezbłędny bez skazy  SYNONYM  perfect
□ flawed /; US / adj. with a fault or weakness so that it is not perfect I think your plan is flawed. ▶ błędny wadliwy ze skazą
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flax /flæks; US / noun [uncountable] 1 a small plant with blue flowers, that is grown for its stem and seeds ▶ len 2 the thread that is used for making linen. It comes from the flax plant. ▶ włókno lniane
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flea /fli:; US / noun [countable] a very small jumping insect without wings that lives on animals, for example cats and dogs. Fleas bite people and animals and make them scratch. ▶ pchła
pchli targ
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flea market
ˈflea market noun [countable] a market, often in a street, that sells old and used goods ▶ pchli targ
plamka, pyłek
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fleck /flek; US / noun [countable, usually pl.] a very small mark on sth; a very small piece of sth After painting the ceiling, her hair was covered with flecks of blue paint. ▶ plamka pyłek
zbiegać, czmychać
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The robbers fled the country with £ 100 000. ▶ uciekać (z czegoś)/(przed kimś/czymś) zbiegać czmychać
flee /fli:; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] (past tense, past participle fled /fled; US /) flee (to.../into...); flee (from) sb/sth to run away or escape from sth When the hunter fired his gun the tiger turned and fled into the trees.
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2 [u, c] a type of soft warm cloth that feels like sheep’s wool; a warm piece of clothing made from this cloth, which you wear on the top half of your body a fleece lining podszewka z polara a jacket lined with cotton fleece (na misiu) ▶ polar
fleece1 /fli: s; US / noun 1 [countable] the wool coat of a sheep ▶ runo wełna
flota, konwój
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2a fleet (of sth) a group of vehicles (especially taxis, buses or aircraft) that are travelling together or owned by one person ▶ konwój kolumna (pojazdów) eskadra (samolotów)
fleet /fli: t; US / noun [countable, with sing. or pl. verb] 1 a group of ships or boats that sail together a fishing fleet ▶ flota flotylla
ciało, mięso, miąższ
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2 the part of a fruit or vegetable that is soft and can be eaten ▶ miąższ
flesh /fleʃ; US / noun [uncountable] 1 the soft part of a human or animal body (between the bones and under the skin) Tigers are flesh-eating animals. ▶ ciało mięso Mięso zwierząt, które się spożywa, to meat.
zginać, ćwiczyć
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flex1 /fleks; US / verb [transitive] to bend or move a leg, arm, muscle, etc. in order to exercise it ▶ zginać ćwiczyć
przewód elastyczny
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At the end of a flex there is a plug which you fit into a socket or a power point.
flex2 /fleks; US / (especially US cord) noun [countable, uncountable] (a piece of) wire inside a plastic tube, used for carrying electricity to electrical equipment ▶ przewód elektryczny kabel
elastyczny, giętki
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flexible, flexible
□ flexibility /ˌfleksəˈbɪləti; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ elastyczność giętkość
flexible /ˈfleksəbl; US / adj. 1 that can be changed easily flexible working hours ruchomy czas pracy ▶ elastyczny ustępliwy 2 able to bend or move easily without breaking ▶ elastyczny giętki
ruchomy czas pracy
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flexitime /ˈfleksitaɪm; US / (US usually flextime /ˈflekstaɪm; US /) noun [countable] a system in which employees work a particular number of hours each week or month but can choose when they start and finish work each day ▶ ruchomy czas pracy
drgać, migotać
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3 to move lightly and quickly up and down His eyelids flickered for a second and then he lay still. ▶ drgać
/ˈflɪkə(r)/ 1 (used about a light or a flame) to keep going on and off as it burns or shines The candle flickered and went out. ▶ drgać migotać 2 (about a feeling, thought) to appear for a short time A smile flickered across her face. ▶ zabłysnąć
migotanie, trzepotanie
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3 a feeling of sth that only lasts for a short time a flicker of interest/doubt a flicker of hope iskierka nadziei ▶ przebłysk (uczucia)
flicker2 /ˈflɪkə(r); US / noun [countable, usually sing.] 1 a light that shines on and off quickly the flicker of the TV/flames ▶ migotanie miganie 2 a small, sudden movement of part of the body ▶ drganie trzepotanie
strzepywać, pstryknąć
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2[intransitive, transitive] flick (sth) (away, off, out, etc.) to move, or to make sth move, with a quick sudden movement The frog’s tongue flicked out and caught the fly. She flicked the switch and the light came on. ▶ prztykać pstryknąć
flick /flɪk; US / verb 1 [transitive] flick sth (away, off, onto, etc.) to hit sth lightly and quickly with your finger or hand in order to move it She flicked the dust off her jacket. Please don’t flick ash on the carpet. ▶ strzepywać
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□ flick noun [countable] ▶ prztyczek pstryczek

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