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the ability or power that makes someone or something able to do something
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tge gases that aee sent into the air when petrol, oil are burned for fuel
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carbon emissions
the movement of money coming into a business as income and going out as wages, materials
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cash flow
an organization that gives money, goods or help to people who are poor or sick
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to make something clearer or easier to understand
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to increase in number, amount or level
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the internet used as something that provides software or space for storing information, rather than having it on your own computer
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the activity of working together with another person, company in oder to achieve something
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the process of regularly travelling a lobg distance to get to work
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money that someone is paid, especially when they have worked more hours than is usual, worked on something particularly difficult
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the fact of having enough skill or knowledge to do something to a satisfactory standard, or tge skill and knowledge someone has
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to think about something carefully, especially before making a choice or decision
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a company that gives advice and training in a particular area to people in other companies
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consulting firm
an occasion on which the stocks and shares in a stock market suddenly lose a lot of value
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a time when borrowing money becomes difficult because bunks reduce the amount they lend and charge high interest rates
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credit crunch
information or facts about a particular subject, especially in a form that can be stored and used on a computer
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a date or time by which you have to do or to complete something
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to show that you have a particular ability, quality or feeling
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a long period during which there is very little business activity and many people don't have jobs
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to become stronger or more advanced or to make someone or something do this
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the teaching or learning of a range of skills that someone can use in many different position and in their future careers
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relating to computers or otger devices that store or send information electronically in the form of numbers, usually ones abd zeros
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to start doing something in a new and mire effective wat tgat changes the wat an industry does things
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the process of beginning to do something in a new and more effective way that changes the way an industry does thing
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causing problems and preventing something from continuing in its usual way
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a person or a company that changes the way an industry does things, by doung something in a new and effective way
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a period in which business activity is reduced and conditions become worse
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a fall in the amount, level or number of something, especially a large or sudden one
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to fall to a lower level or amount, especially a much lower level or amount
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