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Domanda English Risposta English
let spleepng dogs lie
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to leave a situation alone so as to avoid worsening it
to be in the land of Nod
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to sleep
a light/heavy sleeper
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sm who often wakes up at night because of noises etc/ sm whom you can't wake
to sleep like a log
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to sleep heavily
have/go for a snooze
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to sleep when you need to take rest (lazier way than nap)
take a nap
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to sleep when you need to take rest
doze off/drop off/nod off
My R. E lesson was so boring that I nodded of during it.
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fall asleep
sth goes to sleep
I can't stand up. I spent too much time sitting. My legs have gone to sleep.
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to stiff
sleep rough
homeless often sleep rough
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too sleep outdoors
Don't lose sleep over it!
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don't waste time on sth
to sleep on sth
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when you reach a fork in the road take your time and make a decision
beauty sleep
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enough amount of sleep to look fresh and feel good
Sleeping Beauty
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this one
a catnap
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have a forty winks
catch some Zs
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to sleep
tossing and turning
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moving in the bed all night which causes you sleep next day
a night owl
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goes to bed late
an early bird
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wakes up early
nocturnal animals
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animals which are active at night
Rise and shine!
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Wake up!
have lie in/ sleep in (AmE)
Let's lie in this Sunday!
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sleep longer than usual
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having not enough sleep

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