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mistrz, as, super, świetny
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My brother is an ace at karate.
ptasi móżdżek
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airhead / air-head
She is such an air-head.
nerwowy, poddenerwowany
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The students were antsy before the math test.
zwalniać, obcinać etaty
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axe/ ax
My neighbour was axed
wyczerpany, wykończony
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It was a busy week and the employers were beat.
wynoś się, spadaj!
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Beat it!
The store owner asked the kids to beat it when he saw them misbehaving.
kłótnia, sprzeczka / pretensja, skarga
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The employee has a beef with the employer about overtime pay. You can direct all of your beefs to theH&R department.
gadać, paplać
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The sales clerk like to blab to her customers.
dobra zabawa
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My family's trip to the Disney World was a blast.
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bling / bling-bling
The lady loved to show off her bling at the dance.
szansa, np. na sukces
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My dad received a break and got a higher paying job
cholerstwo, cholera!
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I tried to get rid of the fly in the kitchen but it was difficult to stwa the little bugger.
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The bank robber was busted and charged with burglary.

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