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nabrać nawyku
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get into a habit of
Jak Bóg da
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God willing
I'd like to reproduce it in my own family, God willing.
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Without the memory of his deed, he cannot possibly feel guilty.
wykroczenie, występek
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szukać schronienia
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seek refuge
Na litość Boską
Na litość boską, mówimy o 19-latku!
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for God's sake
For God's sake, this is a 19-years-old we are talking about!
spotkanie, zetknięcie
Nie chcę się na Ciebie natknąć, Ty zawsze oszukujesz!
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I don't want to encounter you, you always cheat.
sprowadzać się do czegoś
Na spotkaniu poruszono wiele kwestii, ale wszystko sprowadzilo sie i tak do pieniedzy.
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come down to something
The meeting concerned various issues, but in the end it all came down the money.
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I humbly ask that you pray to the Holy Spirit that I can make a wise decision.
skłaniać się ku czemuś
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lean toward sth
I am leaning towards accepting the offer.
odporny, wytrzymały (o osobie)
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Despite enormous suffering, the patient remained resilient.
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right back at you
- Have a good day, Millie! - Right back at you, Steve!
stanowić zagrożenie
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pose a threat
Mass protests pose a serious threat during a pandemic.

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