Skype nr 3 09/03/2018

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I forgot about it
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zapomniałem o tym
I have never read
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Nigdy nie czytałem
we was at the cinema
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byliśmy w kinie
according to
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on behalf of
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w imieniu
by means of
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za pomocą
I was raming nail by means of hammer
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Naciskałem młotkiem na gwóźdź
I took this job on purpose
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Celowo podjąłem tę pracę
instead of
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apart from
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as for
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as for in inglese
jak dla
in case of
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W przypadku
regardless of
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niezależnie od tego, pomimo
I know what to get you
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Wiem, co ty otrzymasz
He was SENTENCED 2-3 years in prison.
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Został ZATRZYMANY 2-3 lata w więzieniu.
Could you tell me apart from work
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Czy możesz mi powiedzieć oprócz pracy?

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