Skipper Vocabulary 30-58, part IV

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a feeling sth bad will happen
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a stupid mistake
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wrongly spelled word
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mistake made by not seeing
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a preface normally written by author's friend
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additional information at the end of non-fiction books
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alphabetical list ath the back of the book
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intro to the book
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strong, unpleasant smell
a brainwave
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a sudden, clever idea
a catch
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a hidden trick
a flair
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a natural talent
a hitch
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a problem causing a small delay
a hunch
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an idea based on intuition
a scoop
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important piece of news
a slur
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unfair accusation or criticism
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small problem, often used ironically when problem is big
squalor, squalid
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dirt and untidiness
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sytacja patowa
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sth discouraging from doing bad stuff
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four times
never in a million years will I...
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never ever
second to none
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at least as good as the best
back to square one
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back to the beginning
to flee in their thousands
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to escape in great numbers
to stand on ur own two feet
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to become independent
to axe
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to make sb redundant, to get rid of sth
axe to grind
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a private reason for sth
in my book...
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in my opinion
frame of mind
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state of mind, mood
to hammer out an agreement
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to reach an agreement after a long time
to hinge on
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to depend on
to iron out problems
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to get rid of small problems
a different kettle of fish
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different from the previous one
you could hear a pin drop
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it was very quiet
a lot on sb's plate
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a lot of problems to worry about
talking to a brick wall
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talk without getting a response
a blade of grass
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a single unit of grass
a bunch of keys
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keys together
dead of night
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middle of the night
a flight of stairs
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a set of stairs
a flash of brilliance
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sudden burst of excellence
a fit of jealousy
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attack of jealousy
leg of a journey
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part of a journey
load of rubbish
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no good/stupid (informal)
a pane of glass
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a single flat piece of glass
plank of wood
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long, thin piece of wood
a spate of...
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a series of...
a speck of dust
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tiny piece of dust
a spell of...(weather)
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a period of weather
stacks of time
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lots of time
a storm of protest
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angry reaction from a lot of ppl
a stretch of the motorway
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a section of the motorway
stroke of luck
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an unexpected luck
wealth of information
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a lot of information
not to take a blind bit of notice
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to ignore completely
breach of contract
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action which breaks agreements in a contract
clean bill of health
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formal statement that u are 100% healthy
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baby bed and also the birthplace of sth
a figment of imagination
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sth one thinks is real but isn't

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