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ulewny deszcz
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a heavy rainfall
There have been heavy rainfalls this month. (NiV)
mój przyjaciel
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a friend of mine
it's OK to say "my friend" but a "friend of mine" sounds a bit more fluent;D
sport wodny polegający na ślizganiu się na desce po wodzie
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deska (również tablica w szkole)
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a board
deska do snowboardu
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a snowboard (NiV)
jeździć na snowboardzie
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to snowboard
I love snowboarding. (NiV)
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bored (NiV)
board and bored are homonyms
zniszczyć coś / uszkodzić coś
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to damage sth
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the Netherlands
Some people say Holland.
I live in the Netherlands.
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I skimboard in urban areas.
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a fountain
there are only two syllables in this word
the pronunciation of fountain is similar to mountain
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a puddle
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a champion
czterokrotny mistrz
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a four-time champion
Adrien said: a four-timeS champion - he made a mistake
Nigdy nie złamałem kości.
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I have never BROKEN a bone.
I have never + III form of a verb
Adrien said: I have never broke a bone. - he made a mistake.
Nigdy nie byłam we Francji.
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I have never been to France. (NiV)
I have never + III form of a verb
Nigdy nie pływałam w oceanie.
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I have never swum in the ocean. (NiV)
I have never + III form of a verb
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to fall
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a concrete floor
ślizgać się
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to slide - slid - slid
to jest takie marnotrawstwo
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it's such a waste
wykorzystać coś
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to take advantage of sth
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take advantage of it in a creative way
rozwijać (umiejętności / pomysł)
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to develop sth
She developed the company from nothing.(NiV)
I'm developing my sport of skimboarding.
dobrze się bawić
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to have fun
Czy dobrze się bawiłeś?
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Did you have fun? (NiV)
Udanej zabawy!
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Have fun!
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a beach
a bitch
do not confuse beach with bitch
pójść na plażę
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to go to the beach
do not say: go on the beach
Pójdźmy na plażę.
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Let's go to the beach. (NiV)
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Sometimes it gets a bit boring.
być w stanie coś robić
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to be able to do sth
I really want to be able to do it until I'm 65.
do sześćdziesiątego piątego roku życia
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until I'm 65

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