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Domanda English Risposta English
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a specific problem in part of a process that causes delays to the whole process
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talk about your achievements in a proud way that annoys other people
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doing or saying things secretly, often in a dishonest or unfair way
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to make someone dislike you or not want to help or support you
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people who go to a restaurant or another place without making a booking or appointment beforehand
tack on
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add something extra, especially something that does not seem to belong to the rest
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get rid of something because you no longer want or need it
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make small changes in order to improve something
capitalize on
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to use an event or a situation to help you to achieve something or get an advantage
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to use a situation so that you get benefit from it, even if it is wrong or unfair to do this
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a way to describe something – especially a type of food – that is good for you
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things that make it comfortable or enjoyable to stay, live, or work somewhere
options we have available to use to deal with a difficult situation
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levers in our toolkit
make sure the profit a business makes does not decrease
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preserve margins
income from business activites is increasing again after a fall
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revenue is rebounding
when increases in the cost of items can be seen in many places
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widespread price hikes
trying to find a way out of a bad situation
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dig their way out (of a big hole)
decide that you want to do or partke in something
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opt in
doing things in a different way
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taking a different tack
when someone is at the point of being annoyed and is likely to get angry soon
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patience is wearing thin

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