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a shop assistant
W czym mogę służyć? Co podać?
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Is there anything you would like?
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free of charge
Czy jeszcze w czymś mogę służyć?
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Would you like me to anything else?
Jaki nosisz rozmiar?
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What size are you?
Zwykłe noszę rozmiar M.
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I usually wear medium.
To może być za ciasne.
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It might be too tight.
To jest na mnie zbyt luźne.
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This is to loose for me.
To pasuje dobrze.
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It fits well.
przystępna cena
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affordable price
best deals
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best bargains
What colour did you choose?
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What colour DID YOU GO FOR?
Ograniczyłam się tylko do kupna butów.
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I limited myself to buying shoes only.
children accessories
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baby gear
The activity of looking at goods displayed in shop windows especially without intending to buy anything.
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window shopping

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