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I buy this token to attempt my luck inizia ad imparare
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In him possessions are two car and apartment in business centre inizia ad imparare
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I have always encouraged my students to keep a lexical notebook inizia ad imparare
Please, take into account this fact. If you don't. You can encounter with a problem when you will solve this exercise inizia ad imparare
If you want to be the first to recognize about news, you must follow up with the mail I follow up to do this inizia ad imparare
1 в смысле следить 2 в смысле продолжать
this event take place on beach inizia ad imparare
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If you have a problem, you can refer to me inizia ad imparare
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Firstly, i wanna stress 1 important fact inizia ad imparare
If you will lie, i expose this inizia ad imparare
выявить, высказать правду о ком-то или чём-то; разоблачать; подвергать
Firstly, i wanna point out to 3 important things that will improve your life inizia ad imparare
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отдых, перерыв, остальное
it'll be interesting, though inizia ad imparare
persuade people to talk to me inizia ad imparare
Can i borrow some money from you inizia ad imparare
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They are mostly retired people inizia ad imparare
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I intend to take part in next competition inizia ad imparare
Please, compare your answers with answers from book inizia ad imparare
i noticed fear on your face when you saw a dog inizia ad imparare
these items belong to David inizia ad imparare
we talk about this to emphasise a difference between normal food and fast food inizia ad imparare
I always recognize lie by your eyes inizia ad imparare