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измерение, замер, гл.измерить
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they glued their photo on this car inizia ad imparare
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what a trick to get girlfriends? inizia ad imparare
Consequences of our actions are a bad people's attitude towards us inizia ad imparare
the bulk of global warming attributed to humanity inizia ad imparare
If we just say: "I have eaten". We assume that we not want to eating now(Present Perfect) inizia ad imparare
this is turn means that both plants and animals will need to adjust to it inizia ad imparare
регулировать, настраивать, приспосабливаться
water begin to evaporate after 100 inizia ad imparare
Your help can contribute to our win inizia ad imparare
Switching to renewable and clear energy sources, electrical cars, and improving the efficiency of our factories can curb the adverse effects inizia ad imparare
Your attitude towards mum can inflict her a pain inizia ad imparare
I wonder how many people cook yourself inizia ad imparare
few rapidly decaying towns dotted the landscope inizia ad imparare
гниение, разрушение; ослабление, расстройство to dot - покрывать неравномерно
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Rate of spread coronavirus are high inizia ad imparare
Excuse me, M. Poirot, you claim that you know who killed three people. inizia ad imparare
Запрос,претензия, гл.заявлять
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I lend the car to go to the university inizia ad imparare
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leyton stared at the expanse(простор) of the Atlantic Ocean inizia ad imparare
After max recover from him illness inizia ad imparare
После того макс оправился от его болезни...
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If i know that it happen i would supplement your decision inizia ad imparare
Many country don't admit Kosovo inizia ad imparare
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