Set 5 One blow balloon. - Nadmuchaj balon jednym dmuchnięciem

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duży balon
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big balloon
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balon w kształcie rękawa
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balloon in the shape of a sleeve
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a knot
zawiązywać supeł
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make a knot
Dmuchnij pięć razy
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Blow five times
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Wypuścić powietrze z balona
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Let the air out of the balloon.
Przytrzymaj koniec balona
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Hold the end of the balloon.
Rozszerz krawędź balona
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Extend the edge of the balloon
jedno dmuchnięcie
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one blow
Nadmuchaj balon jednym dmuchnięciem
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Blow the balloon with one blow.
Czy to jest możliwe?
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Is it possible?
To jest możliwe
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It is possible
To jest niemożliwe
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It is impossible
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We tried...
Udało nam się...
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We managed to...
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I know
nie wiem
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I don't know

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