Set 3 - Fasten the seat belts! - Zapnij pasy!

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Domanda Risposta
klocki Lego
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Lego blocks
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ciężki przedmiot
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heavy object
Zbuduj samochód!
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Build a car!
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bez dachu
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without a roof
Włóż pasażera do środka!
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Put the passenger inside!
Przywiąż sznurek!
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Tie the string!
Pociągnij szybko sznurek!
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Pull the string quickly!
Ustaw przeszkodę!
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Set the obstacle!
Popchnij auto!
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Push the car!
Eksperyment pokazał nam, że...
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The experiment showed us that...
Kiedy pojazd zahamował, zauważyliśmy, że...
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When the vehicle braked, we noticed that...
Kiedy pojazd się poruszał, zauważyliśmy, że...
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When the vehicle was moving, we noticed that...
pasy bezpieczeństwa
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seat belts
zapinać pasy
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fasten the seat belts

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