Set 2 Paper Clips Motor - Silnik ze spinaczy

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drut miedziany
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copper wire
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paper clips
bateria paluszek (AA/R6)
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R6 battery
magnes neodymowy
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neodymium magnet
taśma izolacyjna
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insulating tape
Nawiń drut!
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Wind the wire!
Owiń końce!
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Wrap the ends!
Wygnij spinacze!
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Bend the paperclips!
Przyczep końce spinaczy do...
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Attach the ends of the paper clips to...
Włóż zwój do...
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Insert the scroll in...
Zbliż baterię do...
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Move the battery close to...
Odwróć magnes!
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Turn the magnet over!
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