
 0    17 schede    Artur77pl
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Domanda English Risposta English
put on my car inside
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put inside the car
there is writ
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it is written
fight on the flu
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fight with the flu
if you somebody have stress
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if somebody is stressed
carry in your bag
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in their bag
leave with my flat
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leave my flat
after visit with dentist
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after visiting the dentist
he had problem to question
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he had a problem to ask a question
nervous during to do
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nervous during doing
finish the same do
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finish the same work
In last time I will prepare breakfast
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Last time I prepared
him child (jej dzieci)
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her children
like entertain children
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like to PLAY with children
everybody is other
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everybody is different
where are difference real life
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where is DIFFERENCE between real life and...
in the Internet
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On the Internet
not really life
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not REAL life

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