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Seguro, puede aprovecharse del asidero o el bot... inizia ad imparare
Sure, you can take advantage of the handle or the bot...
Incluye Monofilamento pasapeces, un mosquetón y un anzuelo. inizia ad imparare
Includes a monofilament fish stringer, a D-Ring and a hook.
Estudios necesarios para sustentar la implantación del proyecto. inizia ad imparare
to support, sustain, maintain Providing reports to help support the implantation of the project.
Deberán considerarse tratamientos alternativos con agentes sin potencial de inhibición de CYP3A4. inizia ad imparare
inhibition, suppression, deferral Alternative treatments with agents that do not have CYP3A4 inhibition potential should be considered.
Tenéis que desear arrancaros toda vanidad y orgullo mundano. inizia ad imparare
You must desire to strip your being of all worldly vanity and pride.
Pero la guerra europea condujo a este desarrollo imperialista a un ritmo afiebrado. inizia ad imparare
But the European war drove on this imperialistic development at a feverish pace.
Sentirá un ligero arañazo por la aguja. inizia ad imparare
scratch, scrape, scratching You'll feel a slight scratch from the needle.
No necesitamos comer insectos para evitar la inanición. inizia ad imparare
starvation, starving, hunger We don't need to eat bugs to avoid starvation.
No nacemos con un entendimiento innato de nuestras predisposiciones. inizia ad imparare
We're not born with an innate understanding of our biases.
Actualmente muchas personas buscan frenar el sedentarismo. inizia ad imparare
Currently many people seek to curb a sedentary lifestyle.
Hay que retar a estos soldados - muy, muy tajantemente. inizia ad imparare
sharply, strongly, categorically These soldiers need to be challenged-very, very sharply.
Actividades: Rutas y cursos de piragua. inizia ad imparare
Activities: canoe trails and courses.
Los obstante Performer 5 costo disminuye a medida que aumentan el número de meses. inizia ad imparare
however, nevertheless, spite The However Performer 5 cost declines as you raise the number of months.
Lo describiría como deliciosamente espeso y cremoso. inizia ad imparare
I would describe it as deliciously thick and creamy.
SÃ3lo puedo dar algunas pistas para desencadenar usted. inizia ad imparare
to trigger, unleash, set off I can only give you some hints to trigger you.
Evite ropa apretado alrededor sus muñecas o tobillos. inizia ad imparare
tight, tightened, pressed Avoid clothes that are tight around your wrists or ankles.
Con frecuencia tiene que bogar contra corriente, y aceptar ser un "signo de contradicción" como su Maestro y Señor. inizia ad imparare
He must often row against the current, and accept being, like his Master and Lord, a "sign of contradiction",.
Descubrí que me dejaba increíblemente hambriento dice. inizia ad imparare
hungry, starving, starved I discovered that it left me incredibly hungry, he says.
Fíjese que este truco obliga al kernel a sondear direcciones en el arranque. inizia ad imparare
to probe, canvass, sound out Note that this trick makes the kernel probe at bootup.
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Y pueden cubrir su necesidad algunos convencional de laboratorio. inizia ad imparare
And they can meet your some conventional need of your lab.
Dijo que quizás ganen el bronce. inizia ad imparare
He said that they might get the bronze.
Se abrocha al tobillo con hebilla. inizia ad imparare
It is fastened to the ankle with buckle.
Los mudras son gestos ancestrales que empleados con sabiduría y constancia ayudan a curar enfermedades, calmar dolores, sosegar el ánimo y aumentar nuestra vitalidad. inizia ad imparare
Mudras are ancestral gestures that use with wisdom and constancy help to cure diseases, soothe pains, soothe the spirits and increase our vitality.
Estamos buscando a un preso del accidente. inizia ad imparare
prisoner, inmate, convict Doc, we're looking for a prisoner from that wreck.
Orgullosamente participaron en retos académicos, competencias deportivas y aprendieron a sobresalir. inizia ad imparare
to excel, stand out, stick out They felt proud participating in academic challenges, sports competitions and they learned to excel.
Y así, el timonel Ortega seguirá navegando con buen viento. inizia ad imparare
Thus, helmsman Ortega will continue to enjoy a good wind.
El cristalino es un poema-haiku como en forma de copla. inizia ad imparare
The crystalline is a haiku-like poem in couplet form.
ULTRA TORQUE SYSTEM: ligereza, rigidez y máximo rendimiento. inizia ad imparare
rigidity, stiffness, stiff ULTRA TORQUE SYSTEM: lightness, rigidity, and the maximum performance.
Calentar el betún es necesario hasta que él no deje de espumar, e.d. inizia ad imparare
To heat up bitumen it is necessary until it will not cease to foam, i.e.
Artillería para ablandar, fusilería para rematar. inizia ad imparare
Artillery to soften, rifles to finish off.
Deberíamos agarrar a Verone mientras podamos. inizia ad imparare
Maybe we should grab Verone while we still can.
Para muchos representaba un obstáculo insuperable. inizia ad imparare
obstacle, barrier, impediment For many people this was an insurmountable obstacle.
Nos dejamos llevar por el gran torbellino. inizia ad imparare
whirlwind, slipstream, whirlpool You meet me, follow me... we get carried away by a whirlwind.
Una misma hoja de dibujos podrá contener varias figuras. inizia ad imparare
(i)Â Â The same sheet of drawings may contain several figures.
Pensé que tal vez podría herrar sus mulas. inizia ad imparare
Well, I tell you. I was thinking maybe I could shoe your mules for you.
Se me hace muy difícil hilar. inizia ad imparare
to spin, string together, infer It's making it very difficult for me to spin.
Que ocupen la choza del pescador anciano descartado. inizia ad imparare
Well, let them occupy the hut of the old discarded fisherman.
Trajiste la peste a nuestra casa. inizia ad imparare
You've brought a plague on our house.
Reveló el carácter totalmente corrupto y podrido del capitalismo moderno. inizia ad imparare
It revealed the totally corrupt and rotten character of modern day capitalism.
Cuando caminaba, pisé un charco. inizia ad imparare
While I was walking, I stepped in a puddle.
Suelen estallar un minuto después de separarlos. inizia ad imparare
They usually blow up about a minute after being detached.
Babor y estribor revisados, señor. inizia ad imparare
starboard, portside, port side Port and starboard lookout watches set, sir.
Ellas pueden fruncir los labios y besar. inizia ad imparare
Which they can pucker up and kiss.
Está es una tarea inconcebiblemente gigantesca, y solo somos unas pocas personas. inizia ad imparare
inconceivably, unimaginably, unthinkably This a inconceivably gargantuan task, and we are just a few persons.
Parece más ansiosamente esperado que yo. inizia ad imparare
eagerly, anxiously, earnestly This seems more eagerly awaited than I am.
Tenía un sentido del humor morboso. inizia ad imparare
The man had a morbid sense of humor.
Es un buen momento para estrechar tus relaciones. inizia ad imparare
to strengthen, shake, narrow It is a good time to strengthen your relationships.
Es difícil disociar al Espíritu de la Materia. inizia ad imparare
to dissociate, separate, disassociate It is difficult to dissociate Spirit from Matter.
Oí que la mujer daba unos pasos y que se detenía, jadeando de miedo inizia ad imparare
I heard the woman take a few steps and stop, panting in fear