Semana 2

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Es la acción opuesta a restablecer tamaño.
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restore, re-establish, reset
This is the opposite action of a restore size.
Encontrarás estas ofertas en la categoría objetos épicos del mercader.
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merchant, trader, dealer
You will find these offers in the «epic items» category of the merchant.
Es 45 kg de dinamita ambulante.
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walking, street, traveling
She's a hundred pounds of walking dynamite.
Eligieron pecar después de ser tentados directamente por Satanás.
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to sin, err, be too
They chose to sin after they were tempted directly by Satan.
Algunos canales están disponible únicamente por suscripción.
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available, disposable, open
Most of the channels used to be available only through a subscription plan.
Para mí sería un honor participar y escarmentar a los ingleses.
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teach a lesson, punish, learn the lesson
It would be an honour for me to participate, and teach a lesson to the English.
Hace bastante frío para colgar carne.
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to hang, hang up, post
It's cold enough in here to hang meat.
Cuando Jake necesitaba alejarse... adoraba pescar.
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get away, move away, walk away
When Jake needed to get away... he loved fishing.
Tenían que buscar específicamente el faro para encontrarlo.
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lighthouse, faro, beacon
You had to be specifically looking for the lighthouse to find it.
Allí nos fortaleceremos para la dura senda.
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path, way, road
There we shail gain strength for the difficult Path.
Y mira tu asno, y Nosotros le hará una señal para el pueblo.
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donkey, jackass, ass
And look at your donkey, and We will make you a sign for the people.
Pronto le haré escupir el dinero.
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to spit, spit out, spew
Soon I will make him spit the money.
Debe poder fustigar a uno en,... 20 minutos.
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to whip, lash, excoriate
Should be able to whip one up in 20 minutes.
La Orden sólo necesita una varita para comunicarse.
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wand, stick, dowser
The Order communicates in a way that requires nothing but a wand.
Una mujer sagaz sabría cuándo confiar en un hombre.
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shrewd, astute, sagacious
A shrewd woman would know when to trust a man.
Cortas la aleta primero, entonces...
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fin, flap, flipper
You cut the fin out first, then...
El futuro les pertenece y hoy compartimos su indignación.
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outrage, indignation, anger
The future belongs to them and today we share their outrage.
Por desgracia, no aceptó mi decisión y comenzó a acechar me.
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to stalk, lurk, haunt
Unfortunately he didn't accept my decision and started to stalk me.
Están angustiados por perder al buzo.
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diver, sweatshirt, scuba
They're all really upset about losing the diver.
Irregularidades cometidas en la averiguación: declaraciones falsificadas, no se recuperaron las armas.
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investigation, inquiry, enquiry
Irregularities in the investigation: falsified statements, weapons not recovered.
Yo mismo encuentro todo esto bastante embriagador.
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intoxicating, heady, intoxicant
I myself am finding the whole thing rather intoxicating.
Esta vez se trata de una gran oportunidad para engancharse con su juego favorito.
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to hook up, get hooked, snag
This time it's a great opportunity to get hooked with your favorite game.
El abismo entre la élite político-administrativa y la población empezó a ensancharse.
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to widen, expand, broaden
The gulf between the administrative-political elite and the population began to widen.
Intente realizar acrobacias, pero evitar chocar.
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to crash, hit, collide
Try to perform stunts, but avoid to crash.
El inescrutable Jaggers es como cualquier otro.
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inscrutable, unsearchable, unfathomable
So the inscrutable Jaggers is a man like any other.
Mentalmente, era suspicaz y vengativo.
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vengeful, vindictive, revengeful
In mind, he was suspicious and vengeful.
Debe ser sumergido en agua inmediatamente.
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submerged, immersed, dipped
It needs to be submerged in water immediately.
Como ustedes saben, necesitamos desesperadamente una caldera.
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boiler, furnace
As you know, we are desperately in need of a boiler.
Sería increíblemente decepcionante si todo esto fuera una artimaña.
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ruse, trick, stunt
It would be incredibly disappointing if this was all a ruse.
Te gustaría desempeñar tu papel encantadoramente.
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to play, perform, take
You would like to play your part ravishingly.
Bueno, le di un porrazo.
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whack, thump, slug
Well, I gave it a whack.
Primero, debes comprar un vehículo escarabajo.
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beetle, scarab, bug
First, you need to purchase a Beetle Car.
Los cuerpos cubrían el suelo tan espesamente como la nieve en invierno.
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Bodies covered the ground as thickly as snow in winter.
Tienes suficientes cartas como para hacer una hoguera.
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bonfire, stake, fire
You must have enough letters from him now to start a bonfire.
Nunca logré un chasquido sincronizado de ellos.
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snap, click, clicking
I never got a synchronized snap from the greasers.
Esto también, afectará su herencia.
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inheritance, heritage, legacy
This, too, will effect your inheritance.
El corte de pera tiene tanto un extremo redondo y puntiagudo.
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pointed, pointy, sharp
The pear cut has both a round and a pointed end.
Lo reconocerás por su distintivo techo ondulado y colorido.
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roof, ceiling, rooftop
You will recognise it by its distinctive wavy and colourful roof.
Además, no es posible palmotear por la portezuela del horno - testo puede caer también.
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to clap
Besides, it is impossible to clap an oven door - dough can also fall.
Y desafiaste a Miles por un cazador furtivo sajón.
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poacher, stealth, sneaky
And you defied Miles for a half-dead Saxon poacher.
Su atractivo follaje las hacen atractivas como planta ornamental.
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foliage, leaves, canopy
Their attractive foliage has made them popular in cultivation as an ornamental plant.
Blackwood ciertamente parece haber provocado... un frenesí de miedo.
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frenzy, feeding frenzy, flurry
Blackwood certainly seems to have got the crowd... into something of a fear frenzy.
Quintepoch viene transportaría mejor el elemento deseado del pavor y del presentimiento.
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dread, awe, fear
Quintepoch comes would better convey the desired element of dread and foreboding.
Es increíble que todavía estés cuerdo.
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sane, rational, sensible
It's amazing that you're still sane.
Un orate improvisando teoremas en la esquina.
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Lunatic improvising theorems on the corner.
Tu Giacomo parece más necio que asesino.
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fool, foolish, stubborn
Your Giacomo seems more the fool than the assassin.
Esta será una noche para aullar.
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to howl, yelp, bay
This is going to be a night to howl.
Papel impreso, tinta, lápiz y albayalde
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white lead, lead white
Printed paper, ink, pencil and white lead
Ya tienes la hojalata para demostrarlo.
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tin, tinplate, sheet metal
Now you've got the tin to prove it.
No puedo firmar eso, sólo soy un fogonero.
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stoker, fireman, boilerman
I can't sign that, I'm just a stoker.

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