Semana 10

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Domanda Risposta
Dejadles piar un rato y llamarla suya.
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to chirp, tweet, cheep
Let them chirp awhile and call it their own.
Les he dicho que serías la última persona que necesitaría apañar un caso.
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to fix, rig, clean
I told 'em you're the last guy in the world who'd need to fix a case.
Debería Ud. cuadrarse cuando en la sala.
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to stand at attention, stand to attention
I think you might sit to attention when I'm in the room.
El hombre ha de labrar y guardar el huerto - responsabilidades agrícolas.
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to till, work, farm
Man is to till the garden and to keep it - agricultural duties.
También debemos sembrar las semillas mientras cultivamos nuestro corazón.
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to sow, plant, seed
We also have to sow the seeds while we are cultivating our hearts.
Propietarios ignorantes podrían exigir un tal seguro.
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to demand, require, hold
Ignorant home owners could demand such an extra insurance.
Tienen vigencia dos veredictos del Tribunal Satversme.
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force, effect, validity
Two verdicts of the Satversme Court are in force now.
Deseo aprovechar esta oportunidad para rendir homenaje al pueblo sudafricano.
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tribute, homage, honor
I would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to the South African people.
Estoy lleno de un sentimiento de bondad.
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goodness, kindness, good
I am filled to the brim with a feeling of goodness.
Es preciso confirmar dichas medidas y derogar la Decisión 2008/489/CE.
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to repeal, abolish, abrogate
It is now appropriate to confirm those measures and to repeal Decision 2008/489/EC.
Ministro, no entiendo por qué está proscrito.
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banned, outlawed, proscribed
Minister, I don't understand why he's banned.
Cógela, Ellie... por mi ahijado.
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godson, godchild, sponsee
Take it, Ellie... for my godson.
Me debes despreciar por haberte dejado.
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to despise, scorn, look down
You must despise me for having let you down.
No se permite ingresar materiales de construcción ni personal médico.
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to enter, join, access
Construction materials are not allowed to enter, nor are medical personnel.
Me hizo recelar lo que tardaron en abrir la puerta.
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to fear, mistrust, be afraid
Made me fear what took to open the door.
Geomorfológicamente pertenece al dominio estructural del Sistema Ibérico.
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domain, rule, dominion
Geomorphologically it belongs to structural domain of the Iberian System.
Un paraje de luz, belleza y música.
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place, landscape, spot
A place of light and beauty and music.
No sólo enviaría algún agente azar a entregarlo.
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random, chance, luck
He wouldn't just send some random agent out to deliver it.
Hay dos símbolos comodín dentro del juego Goblin's Treasure.
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wild, wildcard, joker
There are two wild symbols within the game Goblin's Treasure.
No estaría trabajando para el buitre.
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vulture, buzzard
I wouldn't be working for the vulture.
Sr. Carnegie, el gourmet carroñero de...
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scavenger, carrion, bottom-feeder
Mr. Carnegie, the scavenger gourmet from...
El carácter sedentario y nómada de los grupos constituye evidentemente una de las principales diferencias entre ellos.
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sedentary, deskbound, settled
Apparently, the sedentary and nomadic character of the groups constitutes one of the main distinctions between them.
Tratamos de compensar nuestras emisiones de carbón.
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to offset, compensate, make up for
You know, trying to offset our carbon footprint.
Su Gobierno consideraba erróneo equiparar la libre determinación exclusivamente con la independencia y olvidar que existían otras opciones posibles.
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to equate, match, equalize
His Government considered it wrong to equate self-determination solely with independence and to forget that other options were available.
Evidentemente, nuestro viaje tenía una vertiente científica.
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side, slope, aspect
Obviously, there was a scientific side to our journey.
Necesita transportar la vaca a su cuñado.
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He needs to transport the cow to his brother-in-law.
Vi morir a mi hijo mayor... te vi arrastrar su cuerpo detrás de tu biga.
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I watched my eldest son die... watched you drag his body behind your chariot.
Diré una plegaria por tu hermano.
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prayer, plea, praying
I'll say a prayer for your brother.
Quemé toda la estufa a cenizas.
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stove, heater, fireplace
I burned the entire stove to a crisp.
Es una verdadera ganga para este vecindario.
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bargain, steal, deal
Well, it is a real bargain for this neighborhood.
Deja de intentar amoldar el mundo real al que tienes en esa cabecita rubia.
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mold, adjust, adopt
Just... stop trying to mold the real world into the one inside your pointy blonde head.
Debes poner mucha harina en ellas.
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flour, meal, dough
You have to put lots of flour on them.
Pero estás perdiendo altura y masa corporal.
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mass, dough, batter
But you've experienced a loss in height and body mass.
Kay, plantémoslos en una maceta.
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pot, flowerpot, flower pot
Kay, let's plant them in one pot.
Embriológicamente se derivan de la cresta neural.
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crest, ridge, peak
During embryological development, it is derived from the neural crest.
Vuelvo a dorar todo, lo echo en una cacerola...
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to brown, sear, sauté
I brown the whole thing, toss it in a casserole...
Capota de tejido con puntilla ancha superpuesta.
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lace, nail, sprig
Cotton fabric bonnet covered with lace.
No fue agradable pero me tragué hasta la última miga.
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crumb, bit, breadcrumb
It was not pleasant but I swallowed every crumb.
Le gustan los biscochos mojados en la yema.
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yolk, bud, fingertip
He likes soldiers dunked in the yolk.
clara de huevo
Tomaré una tortilla de clara de huevo con espinacas y tomate.
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egg white, eggwhite, albumen
I'll have an egg white omelette with spinach and tomatoes.
Los exámenes de la Ombudsman han elevado el rasero para la permanencia en la Lista.
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standard, yardstick
The Ombudsperson's reviews have set a high standard for continued listing.
Ya he invertido en girasol neumáticos Nokian miljoonani.
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sunflower, sunflower-seed
Done it. Invested my sunflower millions in Finnish tires. Nokia.
Solía echarnos una olla de agua hirviendo.
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pot, cooker, pan
She used to throw a pot of boiling water out at us.
Digo, Pinocho está ahí abajo comiendo coño.
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pussy, cunt, fucking
I know this joke, Tony. I mean, Pinocchio is down there eating pussy.
Siete corbatas de moño, apuesto.
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bow, bun, ribbon
Happy golden days of yore - Seven bow ties, I bet.
Continuará siendo necesario recluir a algunas personas en determinadas etapas del proceso de asilo.
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to detain, confine, imprison
There will continue to be a need to detain some people at some stages of the asylum process.
Debemos quejar de nada en este apartamento.
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to complain, fault, moan about
We have to complain about anything on this apartment.
Una patada lateral perfectamente ejecutada faltando 12 segundos.
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kick, kicking, boot
A perfectly executed onside kick with 12 seconds left in the half.
El vector de aterrizaje es muy empinado.
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steep, steep-sided, precipitous
Our landing vector is too steep.
Y no lo dejes gotear sobre la pintura.
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to drip, leak, dribble
And do not drip on the paint.

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