School in India

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palić coś
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to burn sth
to burn - burnt - burnt
The house burned to the ground. (NiV)
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In India people burn plastic for warmth.
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Children live in those fumes.
przestać coś robić
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to stop doing sth
Stop smoking. (NiV)
założyć coś np. szkołę
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to establish sth
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The capital city has a huge problem with toxic waste. (NiV)
opłata za szkołę
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school fee
dostawać wynagrodzenie
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to get paid (to do sth)
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a brick
centrum recyklingu
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a recycling centre
budowa / budowanie
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If we make eduction exciting, then students want to come to school.
poniżej granicy ubóstwa
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below the poverty line
ubóstwo / bieda
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właściwe metody
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proper methods (of sth)
wyrzucać coś
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to dispose (of sth)
Radioactive waste must be disposed of safely. (NiV)
robić postęoy
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to progress
We've progressed a lot during the last 2 years. (NiV)
zdolny np. uczeń
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Every student is capable.
robić nabór
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to recruit (students)
nie mieć problemy /trudności z czymś
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to have no difficulty in doing sth

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