School equipment in Galician

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school equipment
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material escolar (m.)
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borrador (m.)
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libro (m.)
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regra (f.)
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lapis (m.)
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bolígrafo (m.)
school bag
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mochila (f.)
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manual (m.)
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grampadora (f.)
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cola (f.)
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atlas (m.)
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lapis de cor (m.)

School equipment in Galician

Learn the basic vocabulary in Galician! The beauty of language learning is that you never know when you will need this word that you just studied! Get to know School equipment in Galician and never forget it again! Let's start with School equipment and take a look at this fascinating language! Our audio recordings will help you get the right Galician pronunciation and the images next to each word will make the whole learning process fast!

Motivation to learn Galician

There are many reasons to learn Galician! First of all, Galician is a engaging language. Speaking Galician will broaden your social circle and simply make you smarter! If that's not enough for you, think about it as a challenge or Speaking a new language is surely not so common. You could obtain a noticeable result "almost" alone!

How to learn Galician fast

Our language learning tool will take care of your Galician vocabulary by scheduling repetitions of the words in Galician you did not know making you remember more in less time.

Learn Galician fast and efficiently!

If you feel unconfident while speaking Galician language, make sure to take a look at our lessons and gain the confidence by practicing Galician on a daily basis!

Take a look at our other Galician lessons

Make sure to take a look at our Galician language courses and don't forget to check our other flashcards on Galician.

Just give us a chance and start with our lesson on School equipment in Galician! You will fall in love with it!

Study 5 minutes daily and remember up to 90% of the studied vocabulary.

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