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Verbal scale (6):
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Information Digit span Comprehension Similarities Vocalrulary Arithmetic
Verbal scale: Information
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(29 items) Questions designed to tap one's general knowledge about a variety of topics dealing with one's culture
Verbal scale: Digit span
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(7 series) Subject in read a series of 3 to 9 digits and in asked to repeat them, then a different series is to be repeated in reverse order
Verbal scale: Comprehension
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(16 item) A test of judgemunt, common sense, and practical knowledge, e.g. "Why is it good to have prisms?"
Verbal scale: Similarities
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(14 pairs) Subject must indicate the way(s) in which two things are alike, "In what way are an apple and a potato alike?"
Verbal scale: Vocalrulary
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(35 words) Subject must provide an acceptable definition for a series of words.
Verbal scale: Arithmetic
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(24 problems) Math problems most be solved without the use of eg. "How far paper and pencil, eg will a bird travel in 90 minutes if it flies at the rate of 10 miles per hour?"
Podtesty w testach inteligencji Wechslera dzielą się na dwie kategorie lub skale:
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Subtests in the Wechsler intelligence tests are divided into two categories, or scales:
Subtests in the Wechsler intelligence tests are divided into two categories, or scales:
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-a verbal scale -a performance scale
a performance scale
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particularly useful when testing children who have difficulty hearing, are not fluent in the tester's language, or have trouble following classroom directions
W każdym z testów Wechslera możemy obliczyć trzy wyniki: wynik werbalny, wynik za wykonanie i wynik całkowity (lub w pełnej skali). Całkowity wynik można przyjąć jako przybliżenie g, czyli ogólnych zdolności intelektualnych.
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With each of the Wechsler tests, we can compute three scores: a verbal score, a performance score, and a total (or full-scale) score. The total score can be taken as an approximation of g, or general intellectual ability.
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a measure of one's overall, general intellectual abilities, commonly thought of as IQ
Performance scale (5)
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Picture completion Picture arrangement Block design Object assembly Digit symbol
Performance scale: Picture completion
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(20 pictures) Subject must identify or name the missing part or object in a drawing, e.g., a truck with only three wheels
Performance scale: picture arrangement
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(10 series) A series of cartoonlike pictures must be arranged in an order so that they tell a story
Performance scale: Block design
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(9 items) Using blocks whose sides are either all red, all white, or diagonally red and white, subject must copy a designed picture or pattern shown on a card
Performance scale: Object assembly
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(4 objects) Free-form jigsaw puzzles must be put together to form familiar objects.
Performance scale: Digit symbol
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In a key, each of nine digits is paired with a simple symbol. Given a random series of digita, the sobject must provide the paired symbol within a time limit.
Intrapersonal opis
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You like to make collections of things that have special meaning to you. You remember your dreams. You often need a quiet place to work or just be alone.
Intrapersonal praca
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artists, poets, novelists, people who are self-aware and involved in the process of changing personal thoughts, beliefs and behaviour in relation to their situation, other people, their purpose and aims

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