Saturday morning chores

 0    14 schede    alutka09
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Domanda Risposta
sprzątać pokój
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tidy the room
zmyć naczynia
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wash the dishes
myć podłogę
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Wash the floor
odkurzać dywan
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vacuum the carpet
opróżniać kosz
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empty the bin
podlewać kwiaty
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to water the flowers
robić zakupy
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do the shopping
nakryć do stołu
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lay the table
wyczyścić stół
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clear the table
Nakarm zwierzęta
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feed the pets
wziąć psa na spacer
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take the dog for a walk
umyć samochód
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wash the car
słać łóżko
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make the bed
ścierać kurz z mebli
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dust the furniture

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