Sam Cieri

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Domanda Risposta
przyjść do programu
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to come on the show
Tell me why you've come on the show, please.
"robić" muzykę
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to make music
I've been making music my entire life.
opłacić rachunki robiąc coś
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to pay (sb's) bills with doing sth
A month ago was the first month I've ever actually paid my bills with making music.
To jest naprawdę super.
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That's really cool.
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a job
Did you have a normal job before you were making music?
sprzątać domy
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to clean houses
malować domy
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to paint houses
być dobrym w czymś
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to be good AT sth
I wasn't very good at the second one (painting houses).
Przepraszam za to, co zrobiłem z twoim domem.
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Sorry that I did that to your house.
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a dream
The dream is to be a musician.
What's the big dream? / What's your big dream?
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dobra wiadomość jest taka, że tu jesteś
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the good news is you're here
Cieszę się, że tu jestem.
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I'm happy to be here.
zespół muzyczny
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a band
He's in a band.
gwiazda (na niebie / w showbiznesie)
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a star
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This silence makes me nervous.
denerwować kogoś
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to make sb nervous
This silence makes me nervouse.
Powiedz, co sprawia, że jesteś smutna/-ny. Powiedz, co sprawia, że jest Ci smutno.
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Tell me what makes you sad.
słowa piosenki
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To jest twój moment.
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This is your moment.
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It was really authentic.
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You were very honest WITH us.
poznać kogoś
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to get to know sb
We got to know you really quickly.
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to swollow
It was like you swallowed a great singer.
przechodzisz do kolejnej rundy
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you're through to the next round
słodki / piękny / uroczy
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That was adorable.
Dziękuję za gościnę.
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Thank you for having me.
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