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zrodzić, płodzić, spłodzić (stać się ojcem dziecka) Bieda rodzi głód a głód rodzi przestępczość. inizia ad imparare
In the Bible it says that Adam begat Cain and Abel Poverty begets hunger, and hunger begets crime.
nachylać się, pochylać się inizia ad imparare
He was having a wash, bending over the basin and splashing his face.
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My shoelaces came undone/untied. She bent down and lace it up
cela śmierci (w której skazaniec oczekuje na egzekucję) Gdybyś był w celi śmierci, jaki byłby twój ostatni posiłek? inizia ad imparare
If you were on death row, what would your last meal be?
rozpadać się/załamywać się rozpaść się, rozkleić się (nie radzić sobie z emocjami) inizia ad imparare
to break into pieces My poor old boots are falling apart
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used to emphasize how small or insignificant someone or something is. The plane crashed mere minutes after take-off. It cost a mere 5 zlotys
ohydny, haniebny, okropny inizia ad imparare
very bad and shocking That was a heinous crime that shocked our town.
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If you put stock in something that someone says or does, you have a high opinion of it: Dad has been wrong before, so I don't put much stock in what he says any more. She puts stock in her best friend's advice because they both watch out for each other
uniewinniony (formalne), oczyszczony inizia ad imparare
to show or state that someone or something is not guilty of something: The report exonerated Mike from all responsibility for the collision.
opuszczać pracę, porzucić, zwolnić urząd inizia ad imparare
vacate a job, vacate an office If you vacate a place or a job, you leave it or give it up, making it available for other people. He vacated the flat and went to stay with an uncle. He recently vacated his post as Sales Director. Chris slumped down in the chair Mrs Tennant had just vacated.
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an intermediary or agent between two parties The Internet helps consumers save money by buying products directly from companies and eliminating the middleman. We've cut out the middleman and can reduce prices for our customers.
pokazać komuś środkowy palec inizia ad imparare
To raise the middle finger (a rude gesture of anger or displeasure) at one. What are you flipping me the bird for, I didn't even say anything insulting! I flipped my brother the bird after he said that he'd never seen a worse basketball player than me.
trzymać się tematu, pozostać przy swoim stanowisku inizia ad imparare
someone who is on-message says things in public that show they agree with the ideas and decisions of their political party, the government, etc.: Stay on message is to be persistent in getting your point across. When you stay on message you don't allow yourself to be distracted from your purpose.
fuks, szczęśliwy traf, fart Jego odkrycie było tylko szczęśliwym trafem inizia ad imparare
achieve (something) by luck rather than skill. His discovery was just a fluke
wprost, pełny, pełnoprawny, kategoryczny, zdecydowany, absolutny inizia ad imparare
Five-year-olds lie outright.
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Having an effect opposite to what is intended or expected We are here because of the perverse miracle that Daniel is still alive, and because of the outright fluke that crucial DNA evidence was not lost, or thrown away, or destroyed.
Ona była jedyną osobą, która przetrwała katastrofę samolotu. Zobaczenie cię to jedyny cel mojej wizyty inizia ad imparare
She was the sole survivor of the plane crash. The sole purpose of my visit is to see you.
1 próbować coś zrobić 2.ścigać kogoś, ruszać w pogoń za kimś Próbuję zdobyć awans. Spróbuję zdobyć trochę dodatkowych pieniędzy inizia ad imparare
I'm going after a promotion. I will go after some extra money
1. przepuścić wszystkie pieniądze 2. nie wytrzymać inizia ad imparare
1. To lose or spend all of one's money. 2. To lose control of one's composure, temper, patience, or nerve in a given situation. A reference to premature ejaculation, it is usually used in the negative. My Las Vegas trip was short lived—I blew my wad at the poker table in the first two hours! The game is in 30 minutes. I know you're nervous, but stay sharp, don't blow your wad now.
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1. Jaguar automobile. What I really want is a jag. 2. a drinking bout; a prolonged state of alcohol or drug intoxication or any other emotional state Is he off on another jag, or is this the same one? I’ve been on a jag and can’t get my work done. Is she still on her crying jag?
zainteresować (kogoś czymś) Chcemy wyrazić się jasno we wszystkich sprawach dopóki oni są zainteresowani inizia ad imparare
something that is used to attract customers' attention, and encourage them to buy a product or service: We want to make all our points while we've got them hooked!
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the state of being famous for something bad He achieved/gained notoriety for being difficult to work with as an actor
chytry, zebiegły, podejrzany (o osobie) inizia ad imparare
Having, displaying, or suggestive of deceitful character; evasive or untrustworthy
zlekceważyć (prawo, zasadę, zwyczaj, tradycję) Zlekceważyłeś naszą tradycję i musisz ponieść karę. Jeśli zlekceważysz zasady, zostaniesz zwolniony inizia ad imparare
disregrad, show contempt for; scoff at: You flouted our tradition and you have to suffer punishment. If you flout the rules, you'll be fired
Jedna czarna owca w rodzinie i karzemy całe stado. inizia ad imparare
One bad apple in a family, and we punish the whole barrel.
1. przesiać (mąkę, cukier) 2. dokładnie badać (fakty), przeczesywać (np. dokumenty) inizia ad imparare
1. To put (flour, for example) through a sieve in order to separate the fine from the coarse particles. 2. To examine and sort carefully: John you need to sift the evidence.
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When there is a coup, a group of people seize power in a country. In Turkey soldiers tried to stage a coup
Temudżyn rozpoczął swoją drogę do władzy, oferując swe usługi bratu krwi swego zmarłego ojca, Toghrulowi, chanowi plemienia Kerait. inizia ad imparare
Temujin began his bid for power by offering himself as a vassal to his late father's blood brother, Toghrul, the Khan of the Kerait tribe.
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A faction is an organized group of people within a larger group, which opposes some of the ideas of the larger group and fights for its own ideas. A peace agreement will be signed by the leaders of the country's warring factions.
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If you retaliate when someone harms or annoys you, you do something which harms or annoys them in return.
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This is the end of a tour so I'm a little antsy, I guess. If someone is antsy, they are nervous or impatient.
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Someone who is literate is able to read and write. illiterate - niepiśmienny Over one-quarter of the adult population are not fully literate.
zbić z tropu, wprawić w zakłopotanie, zaskoczyć, zaskakiwać, zmylić inizia ad imparare
if a problem, someone’s behaviour, etc. baffles you, you cannot understand it or solve it Sometimes the best way to baffle them is to make moves that have no purpose, or even seem to work against you
dzwonienie (np. dzwonka), dźwięczenie, brzęczenie inizia ad imparare
If something tinkles, it makes a clear, high-pitched, ringing noise, especially as small parts of it strike a surface. Miss Peel tinkled her desk bell and they all sat down again
obciążenie, obowiązek, ciężar kłopot inizia ad imparare
If you say that someone or something is a liability, you mean that they cause a lot of problems or embarrassment. Team-mates and coach began to see him as a liability. What was once a vote-catching policy is now a political liability.
1. moment trzymający w napięciu, chwila napięcia, chwila grozy 2. opowieść trzymająca w napięciu Czasami filmy komediowe są prawdziwymi chwilami grozy. Wygląda na to, że wynikiem wyborów będą trzymały w napięciu. inizia ad imparare
a story or a situation that is exciting because its ending or result is uncertain until it happens: Sometimesf comedy films are real cliffhangers. It looks as if the election is going to be a cliffhanger.
zniekształcenie, przeinaczenie, wypaczenie (np. prawdy) How exactly do I benefit from your distortion of the truth? inizia ad imparare
Jaki pożytek miałabym mieć z twego wypaczania prawdy?
1. ogólnie coś omawiać wyczerpująco 2. przekonywać kogoś, namawiać kogoś inizia ad imparare
talk something/somebody around They spent hours talking around the problem without looking at ways of solving it. The students tried to talk the teacher around to cancel the test
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to hide from police officers, soldiers, etc. who are looking for you The escaped prisoners lay up in a barn for a few weeks, until the search had been called off.
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causing a strong emotion, especially sadness The story that she told me was deeply affecting. It was an affecting sight.
1. pewny, niesłabnący (np. pewność siebie) 2. niepewny, chwiejny (np. kroki)/ jąkać się, dukać (w mowie), zacinać się (o silniku) inizia ad imparare
unfaltering (formal) 2. falter never stopping or losing strength; not faltering: Try to maintain an unfaltering belief in your ultimate success. I was so tired that my voice faltered. My best friend always falters.
przyśpieszyć coś, przesunąć inizia ad imparare
The meeting's been brought forward to Tuesday.
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1. without being exact or fully authenticated; approximately: roughly half the candidates were successful.
osprzęt/ impreza sportowa inizia ad imparare
1. a permanently fixed piece of furniture in a house, such as a bath, that would not be taken by someone when moving to a new home:2. a day and usually a time agreed for a sports event: The opening fixture of UEFA Euro 2012 took place in Warsaw, a game in which Poland drew 1–1 with Greece
1. punkt orientacyjny 2. przełomowy Ratusz miejski to popularny punkt orientacyjny w tym mieście. W tym dniu ma miejsce przełomowe osiągnięcie dla naszej firmy inizia ad imparare
landmark decision - przełomowa decyzja The city hall is a popular landmark in this city. This day marks a landmark achievement for our company
Ona ozdobiła swoje włosy wstążką. Oni zdecydowali się udekorować dom światełkami inizia ad imparare
She adorned her hair with a ribbon. The bride’s hair was adorned with fresh flowers. They decided to adorn the house with lights.
Prymas nie zgadza się z tym stanowiskiem inizia ad imparare
a priest with the highest position in his country The Primate does not agree with this position
1. podobizna, wizerunek, postać 2. kukła (stanowiąca czyjąś podobiznę) inizia ad imparare
a model or other object that represents someone, especially one of a hated person that is hanged or burned in a public place Crowds marched through the streets carrying burning effigies of the president
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an official of high rank in the Christian religion, such as a bishop or an abbot
Jako senator Jordan był politykiem o najwyższej uczciwości. Twój ojciec to prawdziwy mąż stanu inizia ad imparare
n experienced and respected politician or member of a particular profession Senator Jordan was a statesman of the highest integrity. Your dad's a true statesman
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deserving respect because of age, high position, or religious or historical importance: a venerable tradition/company/family She has worked at such venerable institutions as Boston's Museum of Fine Arts and the Metropolitan Art Museum in New York
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a covered stone passage around the four sides of a courtyard (= a square or rectangular space) especially in a religious building such as a church or monastery cloister is a covered walk, open gallery, or open arcade running along the walls of buildings and forming a quadrangle or garth
pod tym względem, w tej kwestii, w tej sprawie inizia ad imparare
about the thing or subject that has just been mentioned: I'm perfectly capable of looking after myself, so please don't worry about me on that score.
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Noun. old chap (plural old chaps) (Britain, dated) Affectionate term of address for a man
poza granicami, miejsce, do którego nie ma wstępu, miejsce, do którego wstęp jest zabroniony inizia ad imparare
If an area is out of bounds, people are not allowed to go there. The ball was ruled out of bounds
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to drop small drops of liquid, etc. on a surface, or (of liquid) to fall, especially noisily, in small drops Blood can be seen spattered across the ground outside the snack bar
1. cecha charakterystyczna 2. cecha, stempel probierczy hallmarking = oznaczanie stemplem probierczym silver hallmark = próba srebra hallmark of excellence = najwyższa renoma marki, najlepsza reputacja marki inizia ad imparare
a typical characteristic or feature of a person or thing They also added that the incident 'did not bear the hallmarks of a terrorist attack. Simplicity is a hallmark of this design
okropność, okrucieństwo, potworność, bezeceństwo Człowiek ma w sobie tyle okrucieństwa, ile może sobie wyobrazić inizia ad imparare
Man is capable of as much atrocity as he has imagination
odprawiać (odprawić perf) (z niczym or z kwitkiem) inizia ad imparare
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zbrodnia w afekcie (popełniona na skutek silnych emocji) inizia ad imparare
okres pełnego rozkwitu, szczyt (sławy, osiągnięć), pełnia (młodości) przeżywać swój najlepszy okres inizia ad imparare
okres pełnego rozkwitu, Szczyt (Sławy, osiągnięć), pełnia (młodości) inizia ad imparare
okres pełnego rozkwitu, szczyt (sławy, osiągnięć), pełnia (młodości)
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przemawiać komuś do rozsądku inizia ad imparare
Send Tony Blair as "peace envoy" to try to reason with Isis. Let's see how far he gets.
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został zwolniony za kaucją inizia ad imparare
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He roamed the streets at night...
kawał/psota, oszustwo/fałszerstwo Oni planowali jakieś większe oszustwo inizia ad imparare
to arrange dishonestly for the result of something, for example an election, to be changed: They've been planning a major rig. Previous elections in the country have been rigged by the ruling party.
tylny/ tyłek, pupa (pośladki) inizia ad imparare
1. Located behind a part or toward the rear of a structure. 2. Relating to the caudal end of the body in quadrupeds or the back of the body in humans and other primates. 3. Coming after in order; following. 4. Following in time; subsequent. If you would kindly move your posterior just a fraction to the right, I might get by.
On wpadł w zachwyt na jej widok. inizia ad imparare
swooning = wpadanie w zachwyt, bycie oszołomionym, bycie w stanie uniesienia +1 znaczenie swoon theory = teoria spiskowa głosząca pozorną smierć Jezusa na krzyżu swooner = akcja bardzo wrażliwa na dobre lub złe wiadomości He swooned at the sight of her
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A simple story illustrating a moral or religious lesson. When Jesus finished these parables, he went away from there.
Średnika używa się, aby oddzielić różne części zdania. inizia ad imparare
mark of punctuation (;) used to connect independent clauses and indicating a closer relationship between the clauses than a period does. The semi-colon is used to separate different parts of a sentence.
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To keep from being observed or discovered; hide A high wall concealed the house.
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She is scantily clad, she's dancing on your coffee table, and she's singing "Hit Me Baby One More Time.".
1. skąpo, kuso 2. niedostatecznie, niewystarczająco inizia ad imparare
in a basic way; not to a great extent: It was a great performance by a scantly known actor. a scant cup of sugar. Student paid scant attention to the lecture.
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a person who spreads stories that cause public fear Only scaremongers who are seeking to make political capital out of the situation are peddling such malicious and unjustified rumours.
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a bird with black and white feathers and a long tail: Magpies are attracted to small, shiny objects, which they carry away to their nests
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If water, wind, smoke, etc. eddies, it moves fast in a circle: The water eddied around in a whirlpool.
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building is a man-made structure with a roof and walls standing more or less permanently in one place. The town hall is the only edifice surviving from the 15th century.
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a large building divided into apartments, usually in a poor area of a city Rapid development is replacing old neighborhoods and tenements with modern office buildings
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in a way that is suitable or right for a particular situation: "Perseverance" aptly describes his hard work to complete the project.
patrzeć z dezaprobatą/krzywo patrzeć na kogoś inizia ad imparare
frown on/upon somebody/something to disapprove of someone or something, especially someone’s behaviour Even though divorce is legal, it is still frowned upon.
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a feeling of embarrassment or worry that prevents you from saying or doing what you want: After a couple of drinks he lost his inhibition and started talking and laughing loudly.
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the fact of having no effect or of achieving nothing: People have got tired of the futility of war. What's his latest book about?" "Oh, the usual - the transience of love and the futility of life
natrętny, natarczywy, nachalny Bezczelni sprzedawcy naprawdę działają mi na nerwy inizia ad imparare
Pushy salesmen really get on my nerves.
afiszować, obnosić się, wystawiać na pokaz, paradować inizia ad imparare
to show or make obvious something you are proud of in order to get admiration He's got a lot of money but he doesn't flaunt it. Flavio was flaunting his tan in a pair of white trunks.
przesadny, nazbyt wylewny Jego najnowsza powieść została chwalona przez krytyków. Nasi goście byli wylewni jeśli chodzi o komplementy na temat jedzenia. inizia ad imparare
expressing a lot of admiration or praise for someone, often too much, in a way that does not sound sincere: His latest novel has received fulsome praise from the critics. Our guests were fulsome in their compliments about the food.
Musisz przyzwyczaić się do dziwactw i słabostek innych ludzi. inizia ad imparare
an unusual habit or part of someone's personality, or something that is strange and unexpected: You have to get used to other people's quirks and foibles.
rozkładać na coś (na części) Mieszanina rozdzieli się na dwa oddzielne związki. Spór przerodził się w niespokojny rozejm. inizia ad imparare
resolve (something) into something to separate into parts, or to separate something The mixture will resolve into two separate compounds. The argument resolved itself into an uneasy truce.
zrozumieć, przyjąć do wiadomości He couldn't take in this plan. Did you take this text in? inizia ad imparare
Ona nie mogła zrozumieć tego planu. Zapamiętałeś ten tekst?
very angry, often in a violent way or without control He went berserk when he found out where I'd been. People were going berserk with excitement. inizia ad imparare
1. walnąć, rąbnąć 2. bicie, lanie, nagonka She likes bashing people for no reason. This picture is distorted religious privilege does not enables LGBTQ bashing inizia ad imparare
Ona lubi jeździć po ludziach bez powodu
być źródłem czegoś, zrodzić, powodować to make people have a particular feeling or make a situation start to exist Her latest book has engendered a lot of controversy. inizia ad imparare
Jej ostatnia książka zrodziła wiele kontrowersji.
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a foolish and hopeless search for or pursuit of something unattainable Physicists searching for the hypothetical particle may be on a wild goose chase
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daremny trud, próżny trud an effort that is unlikely to be successful It's a fool's errand trying to get Lena to join in anything. I was sent on a fool's errand to buy some flowers. I knew the shop would be closed by then
It's none of your business. Don't be intrusive. This call from her was intrusive. I hate social media they are so intrusive inizia ad imparare
wścibski, natrętny, nachalny, natarczywy To nie twój interes. Nie bądź wścibski. Ten telefon od niej był niepożądany
Following the fighting, some five million people in Tigray are in need of food aid and more than 350,000 are living in famine conditions, according to a recent UN-backed estimate inizia ad imparare
Po walkach około pięciu milionów ludzi w Tigray potrzebuje pomocy żywnościowej, a ponad 350 000 żyje w warunkach głodu, zgodnie z ostatnimi szacunkami wspieranymi przez ONZ